I am a college student, so I monitor many counties and agencies on a regular basis.
While at college (West Liberty, WV), I monitor Belmont County, OH. When I am at home (Coshocton, OH), I monitor Coshocton County, OH. I noticed these are both not on the list, but I don't think I can provide a perma-stream for them. I MIGHT be able to setup a dedicated Coshocton scanner, since they use all analogue, non-trunking frequencies.
I appreciate the site, I am now a listener to some counties within my proximity! I have a Pro96 that I monitor with, so I couldn't use that as a perma-stream device--it goes with me everywhere! I monitor Ohio County, Marshall County, and Brooke County, WV. That includes Wheeling PD!
I'll keep monitoring this thread and do what I can--college makes you BROKE!!