Jefferson County, OH Feed
I am now broadcasting the Jefferson Co 911 feed with alpha tags. This means that those of you who have access to Winamp, iTunes, or some other player that supports displaying tags, you'll be able to see the name of the actual agency that whose audio you are hearing, as you are hearing it.
Currently the feed consists of the following agencies:
Jefferson County 911 TRS - all talkgroups, all agencies
Local MARCS talkgroups including the
Ohio State Patrol
452.550 - JC911 Fire/EMS paging frequency
39.88 - Jefferson Co SO low-band (simplex - likely will only hear the base)
NOTE: The Ohio MARCS talkgroups mentioned in item #2 are P84 Marietta, P07 St. Clairsville and P41 Steubenville and P41TAC Steubenville. Why are all of these being monitored? Well, all three of those posts are dispatched out of the dispatch center in St. Clairsville. At any given time I cannot be sure whose traffic you will be hearing on what talkgroup. One talkgroup is always patched to one of the others, and this changes often. This means that Post 41 traffic may be heard on the P41 talkgroup or on the P07 or P84 talkgroup.
I know most listeners listen for Fire/EMS traffic, and listening to any law enforcement [and especially OSP talkgroups] may be irritating. But it's one of those deals where the feed provider's preferences sometimes trump the listener's preferences. Sorry
But feedback is wanted and important. If you listen to the Jefferson County feed I want to hear your thoughts. Item #2 isn't etched in stone, nor will it be active all the time.
Feel free to email me at with your comments.