EMSA Trunked
Several months ago, the EMSA Communications Director for the Western Division told me that the subject was still undecided. He wanted to go with the state system, since that would give them interoperability between Tulsa and OKC. However, there were those inside EMSA that wanted to go with the OKC system and they had some strong arguments.
1. The OKC System will be far superior in its coverage. It is designed to give handheld coverage throughout Oklahoma City. The state system is not.
2. The OKC system would provide encryption (EMSA likes encryption). The Oklahoma City sites of the state system are not capable of this yet.
3. EMSA Dispatch will be moving to the OKC 911 center and wiring them into the OKC system would be easier than the state system.
4. The Western Division trucks would have easy access to OKC PD and Fire communications (Interoperabiity).
However, that would leave the Western Division trucks with one type of radio (which could be used to weight down papers if the truck ever leaves the Oklahoma City metro area) and the Tulsa area trucks with another (Which potentially could be used statewide as the system expands).
Anyway, I'm pretty sure they are going with the state system, but I'll let you know if I find out from any "reliable source".