• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

Old Dot and Star GMRS frequencies


Feb 10, 2025
Crawling out of the GMRS cave from 2000 I was surprised to find the following frequencies listed for the Kenwood Pro Talk TK-3100 HT that we have used on and off since they were new with first license from way back then.
When I look at the current listing of GMRS frequencies these are all not there!
Can they still be used by the modern HT or base stations if programmed in for TX and RX? (i.e. the old Kenwoods can sync with the new hardware and be usable?)
I have searched countless links and there seems to be mixed information about this so thought this would be a good source for the low down from you folks. TIA

Red Dot467.900MHZUHF
Blue Dot467.9250UHF
Brown Dot464.500 MHzUHF
Yellow Dot464.550 MHzUHF
J Dot467.7625 MHzUHF
K Dot467.8125 MHzUHF
Silver Star467.850 MHzUHF
Gold Star467.875 MHzUHF
Red Star467.900 MHzUHF
Blue Star467.925 MHzUHF


Premium Subscriber
Mar 31, 2007
Southwest, IL
Crawling out of the GMRS cave from 2000 I was surprised to find the following frequencies listed for the Kenwood Pro Talk TK-3100 HT that we have used on and off since they were new with first license from way back then.
When I look at the current listing of GMRS frequencies these are all not there!
Can they still be used by the modern HT or base stations if programmed in for TX and RX? (i.e. the old Kenwoods can sync with the new hardware and be usable?)
I have searched countless links and there seems to be mixed information about this so thought this would be a good source for the low down from you folks. TIA

Red Dot467.900MHZUHF
Blue Dot467.9250UHF
Brown Dot464.500 MHzUHF
Yellow Dot464.550 MHzUHF
J Dot467.7625 MHzUHF
K Dot467.8125 MHzUHF
Silver Star467.850 MHzUHF
Gold Star467.875 MHzUHF
Red Star467.900 MHzUHF
Blue Star467.925 MHzUHF
These are not GMRS frequencies that's why they're not on the list. They were as you titled the thread "dot and star frequencies ". If you have something that shows these were ever GMRS I'd like to see it.
Last edited:


Feb 10, 2025
I guess the confusing part was when we applied for a license back in the day, it was issued as a GMRS license. The manual has the radio listed as a Business Radio Service (BRS) radio with the TK-2100 being VHF and the TK-3100 being UHF with the frequencies I listed. Right on the edge of today's GMRS documented frequencies for the 3100. The radios had the option to change channels within the given spectrum they had in the programing so you had two settings (two frequencies) to choose from with a toggle switch next to the squelch knob. Programing was an interesting process.
We could get batteries for them as the oem units died off from use and diminishing charge capacity so we just kept using them. Not a well defined period for GMRS and the then listed BRS being contained in one licensing process.
I think the Kenwood HR have reached end of service because of the changes even though they are well built and sturdy units. Primitive compared to the new technology. Thanks for the replies!
The licensing information in the manual is:

Your KENWOOD radio operates on communications
frequencies which are subject to FCC (Federal
Communications Commission) Rules & Regulations.
FCC Rules require that all operators using Private Land
Mobile radio frequencies obtain a radio license before
operating their equipment. Application for license must
be made on FCC form 600, and schedules D, E. and G


Active Member
Feb 9, 2024
Freeport, Illinois
Crawling out of the GMRS cave from 2000 I was surprised to find the following frequencies listed for the Kenwood Pro Talk TK-3100 HT that we have used on and off since they were new with first license from way back then.
When I look at the current listing of GMRS frequencies these are all not there!
Can they still be used by the modern HT or base stations if programmed in for TX and RX? (i.e. the old Kenwoods can sync with the new hardware and be usable?)
I have searched countless links and there seems to be mixed information about this so thought this would be a good source for the low down from you folks. TIA

Red Dot467.900MHZUHF
Blue Dot467.9250UHF
Brown Dot464.500 MHzUHF
Yellow Dot464.550 MHzUHF
J Dot467.7625 MHzUHF
K Dot467.8125 MHzUHF
Silver Star467.850 MHzUHF
Gold Star467.875 MHzUHF
Red Star467.900 MHzUHF
Blue Star467.925 MHzUHF
NONE of these are Gmrs ,if that's what you're asking. These are Itinerant, Business frequencies which all require a part 90 license.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
Crawling out of the GMRS cave from 2000 I was surprised to find the following frequencies listed for the Kenwood Pro Talk TK-3100 HT that we have used on and off since they were new with first license from way back then.

If you were using these radios on GMRS back in 2000, I suspect you actually had the TK-3101K, which was a GMRS version of the TK-3100K/K2 radio sold at the time.
Screenshot 2025-03-11 at 11.01.03 PM.png

When I look at the current listing of GMRS frequencies these are all not there!
Can they still be used by the modern HT or base stations if programmed in for TX and RX? (i.e. the old Kenwoods can sync with the new hardware and be usable?)

KPG-48D was the programming software for these radios. Not sure what it let you change. Usually these ProTalk radios only allowed the preprogrammed frequencies to be used and assigned to channel slots. It might have let you select different QT/DQT tones for the individual channels.

There were some of those older ProTalk radios that you could slam in the non-ProTalk firmware and program them as standard radios. It required the correct firmware, KPG-48 software and a bit of skill.

I have searched countless links and there seems to be mixed information about this so thought this would be a good source for the low down from you folks. TIA

The frequencies you listed below are not, and never were GMRS channels and your GMRS license would not have covered them.
The TK-3100 ProTalk radios were pre-programmed with those Part 90 business frequencies and would have required an FCC issued Part 90 business/industrial license to use.

Red Dot467.900MHZUHF
Blue Dot467.9250UHF
Brown Dot464.500 MHzUHF
Yellow Dot464.550 MHzUHF
J Dot467.7625 MHzUHF
K Dot467.8125 MHzUHF
Silver Star467.850 MHzUHF
Gold Star467.875 MHzUHF
Red Star467.900 MHzUHF
Blue Star467.925 MHzUHF