The receive timeouts that you're experiencing may be due to radio frequency interference that could be coming from nearby
electronic devices or perhaps from a 700 MHz LTE site. To make any such determination, we'll need spectrum (FFT) plots made
with the SDR tuned to specific frequencies.
From the logfile you emailed to me, I was able to extract the frequencies of the primary and alternate control channels in addition
to four others that consistently fail to decode whenever voice traffic is assigned to them.
Primary Control Channel: 770.20625
Secondary Control Channels: 770.70625 and 770.95625
Voice Trunk Channels: 771.20625, 771.45625, 771.70625, and 771.95625
I would like you to shutdown op25 then using GQRX, tune in the last know active control channel of 770.20625 and carefully
apply frequency (PPM) corrections as necessary to center the spectrum on the red vertical centerline. It should resemble the
example shown below. It is important for this operation to set the Frequency zoom to a value for your SDR and sample rate
that produces a similar spectral display as the example.
With GQRX now setup, tune in each of the Voice Trunk Channels as listed above, one at a time, and make screen captures of the
FFT display, then post those to the forum that we can try to determine if there is any radio interference or other reason for a
high noise floor that may be impacting decodes.