Ok so we all know there are some people that frequent this board that actually work in public safety communicatiosn hands on. Some of us might even have some hands on or intimate knowledge of some of this stuff.
First to the individual who thinks that patching is a cheap and simple solution to interoperabiliy, I ask, have you ever done it? Have you ever set up communications using an ACU-1000 or similar device? Can you name 4 typical problems you will encounter when setting up patches between systems? Patch devices are nothing more than putting a band-aid on a cut that needs stitches. They work kinda, when you have someone who know how to do it, and you are still "lucky" if it works correctly. Mobile communications vans are not a substitue for a properly designed multi-agency communications system.
Also I hate to break Cisco's bubble but VoIP doenst solve VHF talking to UHF. Cisco's IPICS is based on infrastructure. No radio coverage, no interoperability. Oh yeah and btw, they have yet to have a successuful deployment, they are working on it, and have made substantial progress. But thats what happens when you have computer engineers working on radio systems.
650 Million was a small price tag for a state like Oregon. Technology has finally caught up to the demand for communications. Lets not forget where Oregon is, it is an earthquake/volcano/tsunami zone, Maybe it is just me, but I think Oregon is a good candidate for a statewide system. Just something about the possibility for a large scale disater kinda irks me.
And no I do not work for motorola nor do I sell/maintain or install equipment