Been there, done that, and have the t-shirt!! This is the entire reason why I bought a G-2, and the sole reason for me to even try P25C in the first place!! It has been a struggle!!
It seems that BOTH Unication products just will not work with this site!! All works wonderful for a while, and then, BOTH pagers behave the same, and become "deaf as a post" when I use the specific site info...
Like I've stated before, I'm literally in the shadow of this site as the sun goes down, but I can't hear it reliably on either one...
One question: Why do I need to "add a system" to the ONLY system that is programmed?? Full signal and "out of range" a few minutes later... In and "out of range" has been pretty constant for about SIX MONTHS!! I'll try to add the same system, that is the same as the only one that has been programmed for many years!! Neither one of these are "scanners", but they should be able to decode the same as either RadioShack ones I have...
Another question: Should I create a new system for each site that I want to listen to reliably??
A third question: How do I get P25C to work on P25T?? Yep!! I've resorted to listening to the voice channels, but they have traffic from TG's that I don't wish to hear at all...