CVSD as used in Securenet , is proprietary to Motorola and employs encryption such as DVP , Motorola proprietary algorithm, or DES which is a Federal Encryption standard, and the -XL options which is a Motorola range extension feature. Bottom line is, not only is Securenet proprietary, even with the 56 bit DES and DES -XL federal standard of encryption, it is for all practical purposes, unmonitorable unless you are a target of a three letter agency of a major super power.
It is possible some wideband SDR military radios might have the Securenet waveform, BUT the 56 bit encryption key will thwart them.
As far as I know, for low band, Motorola only offered the Securenet in certain Syntor and Syntor X9000 radios. Securenet was an option in many modern Motorola public safety models from 136 to 512 MHz.
In my opinion, Securenet sounds better than P25. A bit more natural and virtually no throughput delay.