That's great since TxWarn is Phase II, not X2 right? Wow, I never thought GRE would get it done and it would be just a matter of time before X2 became Phase II in the DC area.
Yes, correct. At this point the vast majority of all Phase 2 traffic on TxWarn P25 is encrypted, but I also think it is mostly techs talking and setting up infrastructure. There is the occasional P2 non encrypted transmission but nothing I can ID yet.That's great since TxWarn is Phase II, not X2 right?
You need to recheck your settings. Upon seeing your post, I checked and mine will still do an Inline dump into Unitrunker. I realize that you checked the setting in the radio; however, a couple of other things to check are the COM port, when you change the USB port you use sometimes the COM port changes and of course make sure your programming setup didn't change from your custom setup.Yes, I realize the main focus of this beta is Phase 2 support... and I also realize that this is a beta so things may not work as expected... just wanted to point out that since upgrading, my PSR-800 is no longer providing control channel data to my computer (i.e. Unitrunker/Pro96Com). Don't know if it was maybe disabled for them to work on other things, but just wanted to mention it. And yes, I did verify that the setting is still enabled for this functionality.
You need to recheck your settings. Upon seeing your post, I checked and mine will still do an Inline dump into Unitrunker. I realize that you checked the setting in the radio; however, a couple of other things to check are the COM port, when you change the USB port you use sometimes the COM port changes and of course make sure your programming setup didn't change from your custom setup.
I will probably get a PSR-800 some time in the next year or two.
Should I go ahead and download this update and save it on my PC in case they don't put out another one, or take this one down from their site?
Must be an issue with Pro96Com then... I did open the port with a regular serial terminal and saw the data streaming in... but Pro96Com acts like nothing is there when all the settings are correct.
I've also noticed that TDMA PII appears noticeably louder. However, I'm picking up the brand new Maryland FiRST system with perfect clarity where reception permits, so many thanks to GRE. Where I really wet myself, however, is something that anybody else near Baltimore County or City will notice... or anywhere with a Phase I system using CQPSK LSM modulation. This was a massive problem with transmission distance-over-time phasing problems. However, this new update appears to make the PSR800 fully CQPSK-compatible. For the first time since the system came online, I am hearing Baltimore County Police and Fire with garble-less perfect quality.
Actually most MI counties are not using simulcast...
To be clear, it would appear from what you have reported here, that you cannot hear a transmission that in assigned the second slot in most cases (perhaps all). The only instance left, and you didn't address it, was if you wanted to monitor a TG assigned to a slot 1 grant that got assigned that channel while there was already a call in progress on slot 0.There seems to be an issue with X2-TDMA decoding. Myself and at least one other user monitoring the Loudoun County VA X2 system have noticed these issues. Some additional investigation into the issues with Pro96Com (via my PSR-500) have revealed the following...
If you are scanning a talkgroup and it is assigned the second time slot on a frequency (i.e. 852.07500/1) but there is no transmission on the first time slot (i.e. 852.07500/0), the scanner will not decode any audio, though it will show that there is a transmission in progress. You will hear a click-click-click-click sound while the transmission is going on.
While it is doing this, if a different talkgroup is assigned the first time slot, the scanner will begin decoding the audio from that first time slot instead of the second time slot. The display will still show the talkgroup that you were originally scanning, but the audio will be from the different talkgroup.
I don't think this was the case prior to the update.Did you see this behavior before installing the beta firmware?
Did you see this behavior before installing the beta firmware?