Yea, the website is a mess - Todd (the developer) needs to work on it, but he is a one-man show and very busy. The Micro is a brand new device that was developed because certain parts of the original P25RX / RX-IIs became unobtainium due to supply chain issues. It's basically a pcb with connectors for antenna, USB-C power, uSD, and a 40 pin bus where one attaches a Wio Terminal (available separately from third parties) to program and control its functions. It is not PC controllable at this point. Very much a work in progress, but it has a base of diehard supporters.
OK, that's a better description than his web site provides, so thank you.
After I get through this big push with work I'll even cobble him up a basic web page that's a tad bit better. Anything at this point.