I follow PulsePoint apparently they still get info from dispatching but we can't! I still can't believe after retiring from the FD I can't hear them totally BS! Pinellas & Hillsborough and Hernando no problem.
With the Pulsepoint thing, I reached out to both the county and Pulsepoint back in October of last year when it started having issues. I was told by Pulsepoint that it’s connected to the CAD and the county can send whatever call types that they want displayed, Pasco decided to only send those few call types that are currently on the app as of today. So Pulsepoint only gets the same things that public can see, there’s no filtering on Pulsepoint’s side, it’s the county that filters everything. Now I was told by the county that the reasoning for this was because “supposedly” there was people showing up on their scenes that weren’t supposed to be showing up. Instead of dealing with that individually, they just shut it off for everyone… And I guess the sheriffs were not happy as some of their calls that fire rescue would respond to were coming in. So basically instead of dealing with an isolated incident and fixing these minor issues, they practically shut everything off for everyone other than accidents and fires (which most don’t even come through anyway). Was also told that the county was “exploring other options”, so I’m not going to be surprised if PulsePoint goes away eventually whenever their next contract has to be signed. It’s like 2018 all over again! I don’t see a single thing left for anyone in the very near future here in Pasco. One of the reasons that I don’t plan on being in this county for much longer, they can’t do anything right…