Plain talk by the Virginia State Police

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Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
This article appeared in today's Daily Press:

State police to speak same police language
With a few exceptions, the use of 10-codes by police agencies is gradually fading away.
November 7, 2006
NEWPORT NEWS -- The Virginia State Police has joined the ranks of law enforcement agencies across the state and country to drop the use of the 10-code communication system in favor of "plain talk" or everyday English.

Wednesday marked the first day for the department's new practice, in which dispatchers and troopers use common language to communicate about crimes in progress, calls for help and other matters. In other words, phrases such as 10-8, the code for clear, or 10-46, the code for disabled vehicle, are no longer used.

The ever-popular - and universal - "10-4," the code used to indicate acknowledgement, is still used, however.

Virginia State Police Maj. Robert Kemmler said the deployment last year of troopers to the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina illustrated the advantage of using plain talk over emergency communication lines.

"Their 10-codes didn't match ours," Kemmler said, referring to the local agencies in Mississippi and Louisiana where Virginia troopers helped maintain order.

"We kind of had to come up with, or use, common language on their radio system because they didn't understand what we were talking about."

Across the country, law enforcement and fire agencies are shifting toward plain talk instead of communications code.

The multi-agency response to New York City after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina, underscored the importance of having a common form of communication among first-responders. Many of the agencies represented at those scenes didn't share a common emergency-response language.

In 2004, then-Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge approved the National Incident Management System. The system calls for streamlining communications and command - and focusing on being prepared, managing resources and coordinating the response involving multiple agencies - during major events.

Those efforts are designed to avoid communication glitches that otherwise could occur when officers speak in codes defined differently by different agencies.

Locally, the state police join police in James City County and Williamsburg and the York-Poquoson Sheriff's Office in dropping the use of 10-codes.

The Isle of Wight Sheriff's Office still uses 10-codes but also uses plain talk.

Newport News and Hampton police administrators are weighing whether to drop the codes. Officers in the two departments, however, do use plain talk on a shared radio channel used during incidents that cross city boundaries, Hampton Police Cpl. Paula Hooks said.

The two departments share few common 10-codes.

Newport News officers responding to a 10-90, for example, are responding to a robbery alarm. In Hampton, officers handling a 10-90 are on a bathroom break.

Almost two years after they switched to plain talk, York-Poquoson Sheriff's Capt. Jim Richardson said it's rare for a deputy in his department to use a 10-code.

"It took them some time to get used to," Richardson said, referring to some deputies. "But now that they're doing it, it's second nature.

"For new officers, it's one less thing for them to learn when they're going through field training, learning to file reports, learning the area. They don't have to learn the 10-codes, too."

The use of plain talk on an everyday basis also will reduce the risk of an officer or other first-responder being injured, said Chris Essid.

As the Commonwealth Interoperability Coordinator, Essid focuses on improving communications across jurisdictions statewide.

He described a situation in which a Maryland state trooper radioed a report of a car crash to a local agency's dispatcher. But the 10-code the trooper used, Essid said, didn't hold the same meaning for the local dispatcher who took the call. In her jurisdiction, the code used by the trooper represented an officer in need of help.

She asked the trooper to repeat the call, but he didn't respond.

The dispatcher sent several local officers to the trooper's location and found him working the crash, Essid said.

Using different codes "could really create a serious situation where someone could get hurt," he said.

No timeline has been established for all departments across the state to abandon speaking in code, Essid said.

"It'll take a little while, but I don't foresee it taking too long. It's going to make us better prepared," he said. He added that most agencies will retain a handful of universal codes to communicate about sensitive topics, such as identifying a fugitive.

"Different codes won't hamper communications anymore," he said. "We'll have taken that off the table."


Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
Between 1972 and 1978, I was a police officer in Hampton. I recall one evening talking to Norfolk PD on TECAP (common frequency). The Norfolk officer ask me to check on something and I responded with the Hampton PD code of 10-50 (standby). Being relatively new, I had no idea that 10-50, in most other police codes, meant auto accident. He politely responded, please don't 10-50 me. That was a humorous incident, but confusion in dispatch codes could have disastrous results.
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Mar 7, 2004
Virginia Beach, VA
As late as the early 70's Virginia Beach's code for an accident as "code 9" with injuries "code 9-I". As far as I know no other city used that. During the mid-late 70's that was changed to plain language. Now there are only a few "10" codes and "code xx" in the Beach lingo; everything else has been plain language for quite some time.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 24, 2004
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Plain Talk

I noticed the VSP Troppers trying to make the change...Bless Them.....I also found myself saying hey,,,10-41 to come on duty....10-42 to go off duty, 10-46's on I-95...1050's...10-23's....etc...were not all bad....we that listen understand the lingo......

Hang in there all......


Premium Subscriber
Feb 21, 2003
Washington County is Flip Flopping [this]

Washingtoin County Virginia (sheriff's office) recently started using "signal" codes more often ...example signal 6a

Its odd how there doing just the opposite of the VSP.. to be honest they used to use more plain english!! I've observed some confusion between town and county.... LOL

heard annother new one this morning....signal 1 a
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Mar 7, 2004
Virginia Beach, VA
Did hear a trooper today in Fairfax say "out of service" instead of "10-42", right after another used "10-42". New procedures will take time.


Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
It will take a some time. Even after 28 years, I still remember all the "10" codes for Hampton PD. I may not remember where I put my keys 30 minutes ago, but I recall the codes. They become part of you language. However, with the move toward " Interoperability ", it is essential that everyone have a common "police speak".


Feb 24, 2001
No More "10-Codes".

I wonder why some of you think that it sounds "refreshing"? I find it to be more time-consuming and awkward not using ten-codes (and it's more dangerous). I miss saying "****, 10-41", where now I have to say "****, mark me on duty". Many others in the field find this not to be an improvement. It's another example of the federal government bribing agencies who do not want to lose funding (if you don't do so-and-so, you will not receive funding). Why not come up with a national standard for ten codes? Why not have agencies use plain language during a large-scale disaster? Most departments cannot talk directly to each other, anyway.


May 16, 2005
Hopewell, VA
I've noticed Hopewell going more and more with plain talk. Just a second ago a unit got on and said "XXX to Headquarters 10... I mean License and Warrant check on Virginia OL Number T#######." Some are using it some are not. Going to take a while for everyone to get out of using the 10 codes.


Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
James City Police Department has recently changed from using clearing code to plain language clearing information. Instead of saying for a clearing code "code 0", they now say ticket issued. The significance is that they had previously used plain language in their dispatch codes for over 9 months....but recently stopped using clearing codes. Sounds like this was the last step to complete use of plain language.
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