Police Pursuit today, and the trouble with stringers

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Jul 24, 2015
Southern California
So following the law/speed limits, you were able to catch up to a unit that was going 130MPH and follow it back to the office?

Yes. He got off at the very next exit, which was where the CHP station was, and stopped at the stop light at the offramp (there was traffic) to make a right turn. The CHP office is maybe 100 yards from the offramp, tops. Wasn't that difficult. Couldn't have been more than 1/2 mile to 1 mile total.

I would be more than happy to show you on Google Maps if you are interested.

The Liutenant gave all the officers a reminder on safe driving at the pre-shift briefings for the next week, instead of reprimanding the officer and citing him for CVC violations. What a shame. He put the lives of many at risk with absolutely no consequences.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 5, 2012
The Liutenant gave all the officers a reminder on safe driving at the pre-shift briefings for the next week, instead of reprimanding the officer and citing him for CVC violations. What a shame. He put the lives of many at risk with absolutely no consequences.

How was the Lieutenant going to give him a ticket? Was he riding with you? They must love you at the AV office.


Jul 24, 2015
Southern California
How was the Lieutenant going to give him a ticket? Was he riding with you? They must love you at the AV office.

Does he have to be? That's what evidence is for. If he didn't want to ticket him, I would have settled for disciplinary action on the officer's record. That would have sufficed.

Don't care what they think of me. I'm tired of our public servants constantly breaking the law, because they think they are above everyone else.

The officer and I both had to take evasive action to avoid an accident, and at those speeds, I probably wouldn't be around to write this post, had he hit me. And for what? So he could get to the station so he could go home on time? SMDH

See...you're fine with your law enforcement breaking the law willy nilly just because they're cops. When their law breaking almost kills members of the public, I have a problem with that. Apparently you don't, and that's a real shame. You and I would both be in handcuffs and spending at least the night in jail, had we pulled a maneuver like that. But because he's a cop, you give him a pass. Unbelievable really.


Dec 4, 2018
Does he have to be? That's what evidence is for. If he didn't want to ticket him, I would have settled for disciplinary action on the officer's record. That would have sufficed.

Don't care what they think of me. I'm tired of our public servants constantly breaking the law, because they think they are above everyone else.

The officer and I both had to take evasive action to avoid an accident, and at those speeds, I probably wouldn't be around to write this post, had he hit me. And for what? So he could get to the station so he could go home on time? SMDH

See...you're fine with your law enforcement breaking the law willy nilly just because they're cops. When their law breaking almost kills members of the public, I have a problem with that. Apparently you don't, and that's a real shame. You and I would both be in handcuffs and spending at least the night in jail, had we pulled a maneuver like that. But because he's a cop, you give him a pass. Unbelievable really.

This. We shouldn't have to worry about what public servants "think" of us.


Sep 5, 2018
Does he have to be? That's what evidence is for. If he didn't want to ticket him, I would have settled for disciplinary action on the officer's record. That would have sufficed.

Don't care what they think of me. I'm tired of our public servants constantly breaking the law, because they think they are above everyone else.

The officer and I both had to take evasive action to avoid an accident, and at those speeds, I probably wouldn't be around to write this post, had he hit me. And for what? So he could get to the station so he could go home on time? SMDH

See...you're fine with your law enforcement breaking the law willy nilly just because they're cops. When their law breaking almost kills members of the public, I have a problem with that. Apparently you don't, and that's a real shame. You and I would both be in handcuffs and spending at least the night in jail, had we pulled a maneuver like that. But because he's a cop, you give him a pass. Unbelievable really.

Unfortunately, none of us(except for you) were there to witness this. For all we know, the officer could have been going 70mph. But, we are taking your word on it, despite being a ridiculous 130mph. I did a bit of math, and what you said is certainly plausible(stopping distance at that speed). But you could very well be blowing this out of proportion due to a bias view. Regardless, they should be held accountable for reckless driving, no matter what the speed. You said you have video evidence, take it to the media. That's probably the only way it will get any light shed onto it. Currently, you're only wasting your time and breath. Nothing is going to happen with these guys unless there's a serious accident and they're found to be at fault. The media will give them the attention they don't want, and hopefully lead to an internal investigation. Keep a dashcam rolling, particularly one that logs your own speed. This will give IA the proof they would need to take disciplinary actions.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 5, 2012
I report them probably two dozen times or more per year.

Really! Do you also report the other drivers blowing your door off or just the cops? And, you probably tie up a 911 line to report these heinous crimes.

If he didn't want to ticket him, I would have settled for disciplinary action on the officer's record. That would have sufficed.

Don't care what they think of me. I'm tired of our public servants constantly breaking the law, because they think they are above everyone else.

The officer and I both had to take evasive action to avoid an accident, and at those speeds, I probably wouldn't be around to write this post, had he hit me. And for what? So he could get to the station so he could go home on time? SMDH

See...you're fine with your law enforcement breaking the law willy nilly just because they're cops. When their law breaking almost kills members of the public, I have a problem with that. Apparently you don't, and that's a real shame. You and I would both be in handcuffs and spending at least the night in jail, had we pulled a maneuver like that. But because he's a cop, you give him a pass. Unbelievable really.

What type of disciplinary action would be acceptable to you?

If you call to report speeding cops more than two dozen times per year, I suspect you have had a ticket or two in the past and it didn't go well for you in court.

Calling to complain about cops driving fast, especially on SR 14 where the average speed is probably 80-85 from Mojave to Santa Clarita, isn't going to do change anything. I can drive from LA to Oregon and be lucky to see two CHP cars all day long and would prefer to see more driving at any speed. There aren't enough of them.

So yes, I don't care if they commit speeding infractions on highways. Running stop signs, or red lights in town would make me upset. High speed driving on a freeway by highly trained personnel, no.

Let's get back to bashing the poor stringers.


Jul 24, 2015
Southern California
If you call to report speeding cops more than two dozen times per year, I suspect you have had a ticket or two in the past and it didn't go well for you in court.

Been driving for 24 years and don't have a single ticket to my name, thank you very much. ;)

Unlike the idiot, law breaking cops you blindy support, I actually drive safely. Let me guess, you're a retired cop? Explains a lot.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 5, 2012
Been driving for 24 years and don't have a single ticket to my name, thank you very much. ;)

Unlike the idiot, law breaking cops you blindy support, I actually drive safely. Let me guess, you're a retired cop? Explains a lot.

Didn't qualify. Parents were married. And, Happy Birthday.


Mar 8, 2009
They get to speed in accordance with the provisions of the CVC. They can't just go around speeding whenever they want, wherever they want. That's the problem. You have idiot cops who think they are above the law, and they're not.

And it isn't just a phone call, I have video as well. The last instance, for example, the cop blew past me at probably 130 MPH. Where was he going? Back to the office. I followed him. Went inside and came out in his private car. So either the pizza was getting cold or it was go home time and he wasn't getting OT. That's unacceptable, and it's a violation of the law.

They can interpret the Calif Veh Code anyway they choose, and any cop that dared tried to cite them would be ostracized and in fear of never having a back-call answered ever again. Tune into the real world.

If your ever in need of help is going to be the one day you hope they come flying in at warp speed, until then do something useful with your time other than trying to ticket cops. Try out being a foamer.

They wouldn't be issued tickets in response to a citizen complaint. It would have to be looked into in the form of an administrative investigation, and tickets are not going to be in their agreed upon MOU. A written reprimand in your personnel jacket, that gets trashed after they don't include in his/her annual eval is all that would happen.

Not that they would wast hours or days on the investigation, writing up the findings, have who knows up the chain approve, have it grieved, appeal hearing. you getting the idea now.

Just get used to it. Cops get to speed. If people like you were actually taken seriously all the nagging would send even more of the good cops to other jobs to avoid the scorned of humanity.

Just walk away, it's a losing battle. Don't become crazy obsessed about the cops like those nuts that lurk around police stations suspiciously on purpose then trying to provoke them on cam. They call themselves the 1st Amendment Audit squad.

If anyone needs a good laugh watch a few of their videos. Cops never generate anything in their jackets from in these cases either. It's intentional provocation, and anything short of a serious misdemeanor by the cops is encouraged here.

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
San Diego
Unlike the idiot, law breaking cops you blindy support, I actually drive safely. Let me guess, you're a retired cop? Explains a lot.

This makes me laugh. Next time you need help call a crack head...


Jul 24, 2015
Southern California
They can interpret the Calif Veh Code anyway they choose...

It's actually pretty black and white, especially the sections they are violating.

If your ever in need of help is going to be the one day you hope they come flying in at warp speed, until then do something useful with your time other than trying to ticket cops.

This just shows that you are completely missing my point. They are perfectly within their duties to go speeding like they did, when going to a call and with the proper emergency lights on. I want them to! Neither occurred. The officer was speeding back to the station so he could go home, and no lights were on aside from the normal headlights. What part of that don't you understand? Is there any other way I can explain this to you so you understand what actually took place? Maybe a different language or something?

Just walk away, it's a losing battle.

Funny, that's the same thing they said in Nazi Germany. It's only a losing battle if the citizens give up. It is our duty and responsibility to hold our public servants accountable, otherwise they get out of control. And I will continue to hold them responsible as long as they keep breaking the law.


Feb 6, 2007
It's actually pretty black and white, especially the sections they are violating.

I get your point, and agree with it. They have lights and sirens on the cars for a reason. If they have a legitimate reason to get there in a hurry, they're authorized to go code 3. If they're not authorized to go code 3, they are very specifically required to follow ALL of the vehicle code. I guarantee you won't find any written departmental policy that says otherwise. The liability should something go wrong would be enormous.


Mar 8, 2009
It's actually pretty black and white, especially the sections they are violating.

This just shows that you are completely missing my point. They are perfectly within their duties to go speeding like they did, when going to a call and with the proper emergency lights on. I want them to! Neither occurred. The officer was speeding back to the station so he could go home, and no lights were on aside from the normal headlights. What part of that don't you understand? Is there any other way I can explain this to you so you understand what actually took place? Maybe a different language or something?

Funny, that's the same thing they said in Nazi Germany. It's only a losing battle if the citizens give up. It is our duty and responsibility to hold our public servants accountable, otherwise they get out of control. And I will continue to hold them responsible as long as they keep breaking the law.

I understand what you are saying, and what the laws are concerning the operation of an emergency vehicle.

Now do you understand what I am saying when I state they interpret the law as they choose to do so?

I was very clear on the reasons that allow it, and why 20 to 30 calls a year is futility, and why your complaints can't result in a citation?

,I hate to say it, but the only thing that will generate an investigation is if there aggravating circumstances, an accident, God forbid, or the complaint comes from somebody with a lot of horsepower, enough to cause the person running the unit grief.

Obviously it has not stopped after all your calls, so maybe I am not as clueless and lacking in the English language as you think.

Last and most of all, have a little respect for the victims of genocide and refrain from invoking their pain and suffering to win a petty pissing match.


Dec 30, 2014
Now do you understand what I am saying when I state they interpret the law as they choose to do so?

I was very clear on the reasons that allow it, and why 20 to 30 calls a year is futility, and why your complaints can't result in a citation?

Yeah. You're saying that it's more than just a bad apple and they won't do their jobs. That ol' blue ISIS thing... ;)


Dec 30, 2014
Last and most of all, have a little respect for the victims of genocide and refrain from invoking their pain and suffering to win a petty pissing match.

It's snowing in here.

He made a valid comparison to a tyrannical regime and you are the one that has the nerve to invoke a people's pain "to win a petty pissing match." That's ironic and sad.


Patch & Channels Clear...
Dec 19, 2002
The Internet
OK. I think my thread here has deteriorated past the point of recovery and said point has been beaten to death. Thanks for chiming in everybody!!!


Dec 4, 2018
OK. I think my thread here has deteriorated past the point of recovery and said point has been beaten to death. Thanks for chiming in everybody!!!
It's not just your thread. Once you throw it out there, it's everybody's thread. That's the whole point of a forum. And "deteriorated?"
Well I guess, if you expected everyone to agree with you.
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