Right on about the ASCII text messaging being free to monitor. Anything not encrypted is fair game as far as the laws governing public airwaves are concerned. It's the CAD dispatch systems and the NCIC data that are encrypted in order to protect info that may case subjective. There may be portions of the CAD traffic that may also be ASCII text, but whether or not those are encrypted will be system dependent. The pre-selected response codes on both ends that are selected by the operators pressing a designated button on the keyboard won't be decipherable because they'll be software defined responses. Pretty much anything that falls into the standard fields on the CAD screen (call code, location, names, records, etc) will be software encrypted, which you will need the current software and encryption coding to decipher, but the additional info/comment fields and some others that are optional may well be ASCII and unencrypted.
How would one go about reading the unencrypted data then?