Can only hear the southernmost site reliably (Industrial Park) from this location using an indoor Yagi. RSSI shows around 400. Have monitored 3 TG's - 100 (PD Main?), and 108 and 110 so far.
Your beam is doing a good job 400 is a strong signal. I suppose you have noticed how the time of day and weather really changes the reception of 850 MHz signals.
Some other TGIDs are 101 is PBPD TAC 1 and TGID 102 is PBPD TAC 2.
I noticed today that EMS is now dispatching from the new PB NXDN Trunking system, and in my opinon the dispatcher needs to turn the mic gain down and not talk so loud. The mobile units seem to be easy to hear.
The PBFD's dispatch has not yet migrated to the new system but you cah hears the fire trucks.
Today I was trying to use three different radios and three different antennas to see which combo worked the best on all three sites. At about 11AM site 3 the most southern site dropped in signal from 4 bars to 2 to 3 bars (which should not have been a problem) and for the next 6 hours site 3 was never used by the system again, according to ProScan logs. Yet, I never in all that time heard a single sided conversation, I always heard both sides just by receiving Sites 1 & 2. I thought that if you have two sites you needed to receive both to hear everything and with three sites you needed to get all three sites to receive everything. I am not so sure about that now.
Do you hear a lot of one sided conversations getting only one site most of the time?
Tomorrow I am going to monitor only one site and see how much I miss. I will probably use site 1, the northern site as it is the strongest for me.