Can anyone provide me with this information. Who Dispatches the Port Authority NY & NJ Fire Engines? The fire Engine I see pics of often show the engine assigned to the G.W.B.
Also to expand on my first question. Since the Port Authority has responsibilities on the airports, is there a central dispatch of all port authority units or is it separated by location like airports vs bridges ?
Each facility (Bridge, Tunnel, Airport, etc) has their own dispatch desk, and dispatch their own facility units...including the they deem necessary.
Each facility (Bridge, Tunnel, Airport, etc) has their own dispatch desk, and dispatch their own facility units...including the they deem necessary.
The PA has two "systems": the police, which is encrypted, and other "operations" (Tunnel and Bridges tows, Airport Ops. etc) which operate on 'regular" UHF, as detailed in the second link in Post #5, above.
The PA has two "systems": the police, which is encrypted, and other "operations" (Tunnel and Bridges tows, Airport Ops. etc) which operate on 'regular" UHF, as detailed in the second link in Post #5, above.