I hate being associated with them, but like I said a lot use the look ups so I can't take my call off.
You can't take you call off of QRZ, even if you wanted to. The fact that someone can look up your call sign on QRZ has nothing to do with whether you are a paid or free member. Their data base comes from the freely available FCC data base and is updated regularly. If you deleted your profile and login, you would just turn up as a unmanaged call sign. Your FCC information would still be there.
About the only way to get your call sign off of their data base would be to cancel you license. But that would be like cutting off your nose to spite your face.
QRZ is no better or worse than any of the ham radio forums available. I have never had any issues with their forums or the moderators. If you got a problem with some of the people, and their opinions, your taking these discussion groups too personal and paying too much attention to the wrong discussion groups.
I post on several different ham radio forums. I visit them once, and sometimes twice, a day. But I only check the headings of several groups that I am interested in. I look at the topic that is on top. If it doesn't interest me, I move on. But if I have something to say, I say it, and move on. Only in special cases do I look back to see if there are any more posts. If I said something wrong in a post, so what. Someone will be along to correct me.
Personally I have better things to do that monitor the discussion groups all day. I have horses (hay processors) to feed, and then eventually, clean up after. That's far more important or interesting than some discussion groups.
In the end, it matters very little what you think about QRZ. If you don't like the forum postings on QRZ, don't read them. No one is twisting you arm. They are not the only game in town.
Martin - K7MEM