• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

PRESIDENT Washington


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
The HAM RADIO guys typically aren’t any better than the CB guys they criticize when it comes to painstaking installation of well-thought out & tested systems.

But the systems approach is needed for any level of 11M Radio.

Men complain about CB in general, and some radios in particular. When you hear this, keep in mind that their systems are the likeliest source of the problem.

I won’t say the radio doesn’t matter, but . . it’s maybe 20% of what mattered once the radio rig is in operation given spec.



Premium Subscriber
Aug 22, 2004
CB World has a page marker for the Washington when it becomes available, with a price of $389 listed, and I would expect that might be the minimum advertised price that all dealers will have to sell the radio for…
WeAreCB_President Washington

I have had a President George II (EU model) since January. It is the best CB/10m radio I have ever owned. The Washington will be essentially the same radio, with a bit more TX power. I got rid of my Anytone 5555N II after getting the George II. Very similar in performance, but I prefer the smaller size of the George II and the user interface.

The conversion for the George II was pretty easy, and I would guess the Washington will be the same/similar. Removal of a solder blob on a pad and moving one end of the jumper wire to the cleaned-off solder pad.

Currently, Moonraker in the UK is selling the George II for $299 US, and shipping would add around $60 +/-, depending on where you live. Moonraker online President George II


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Thanks for that post!

I’ve been highly tempted by the EU-version G2. Very glad to have a user report. It corresponds with that of several reviewers I respect.

Looks like my price guessing was in the ballpark.

At $400 — but without fans — if Washington proves at all reliable it’ll truly be (choose highest accolade).

Add fan kit.

I like the Digi-Mic so much it’s now an automatic upgrade for me in re a PRESIDENT radio. A bit of punch with what’s likely a better mic element based on video reviews. (See Wagonmaster 390 review).

Sounds better in my trucks via talkback from my Lincoln 2 across a DRX-901 . . which doesn’t correlate exactly with what those hearing me experience.

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Uniden or President DECT Cordless Speaker/Mic plus DIY Disposable Dipole antenna:

Post in thread 'President George II'
President George II

Liberty is Prez-specific as to frequency. Bearcat cordless slightly different. Both discontinued.

Above links, first, then:

“A desirable addition, IMO, is the cordless Uniden speaker/mic. I can leave my mobile maintaining direct line of sight (LOS) to about 100-yards. Climb up on the motorhome roof. Climb a ridge, say. Or off the highway and onto an overpass. And use my mobile to relay what I can see to other CB users when we are stuck and without good info.

Drag some coax and a dipole. Set the antenna up high in a tree getting feedback from others (carefully, RF) before switching over.

I could just be the guy who’s in between those nearer a problem and those who are much farther out.

DIY Dipoles are renowned for $$ utility. Time to go may mean leave it behind. I have three more just like it. “

I’m leveraging the power of my mobile unit such that those at a distance can help me set antenna as alternate to trying with a Randy.

Maybe I’m going to be camped out a few days.

Quote is from:

Post in thread 'never seen it this good.... unbelievable'
never seen it this good.... unbelievable

DIY (10M shown; change measurement. Build several after testing first one; add to vehicles dedicated radio bag plus 100’ RG58 coax bought cheap):

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Cordless + Randy: How can I extend the range of both stationary mobile and handheld? How can I — with others — achieve minimum three points of observation?


I think it’s safe to say a Washington can serve as radio van or from RV as a “base station” (other radio services onboard + scanner) for a group when leveraged with these kind of accessories.

Will do CTCSS on FM. What picture when solo with R-3 and using dipole to talk across relay from Washington back at base?

I’ve gotten outside what I know, now, but that appears a possibility. ( I’ve hit over-caffeinated).

Engine power means TX/RX based on dedicated vehicle transceiver battery plus a fuel tank, not just a pair of batteries with handheld. Plus solar charging for both radios?

— Cordless means moving about campsite and not being chained to radio.

This was to the point of trying for maximum utility with 11M. Other services not excluded.

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May 10, 2024
Cordless + Randy: How can I extend the range of both stationary mobile and handheld? How can I — with others — achieve minimum three points of observation?


I think it’s safe to say a Washington can serve as radio van or from RV as a “base station” (other radio services onboard + scanner) for a group when leveraged with these kind of accessories.

Just came to this same place in the other thread...


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
I love that 83” antenna you mentioned earlier. I’d have to stick that on my car’s roof though. I hit enough branches already with the Tram 3500 I have on my truck’s roof lol

NMO Antenna

Base-load permanent is always the “safe” bet.

What makes permanent-mount Larsen or Laird so appealing is that must meet commercial and governmental organizational requirements.


NMO34b + 64” WD640b whip + Springb cover a “best compromise” for nearly anyone. The two above, or Joe Commuter.

It’s tall enough on the one hand, and it’s tough-enough on the other that overhead clearance isn’t such an issue.

It’s low-key.

It can be removed and capped off quite easily.


All antennas need tuning. The availability of VNA (Nano-VNA) makes a PITA task a much simpler process as this antenna combo isn’t set to CB length. It needs more help than the NMO27 normally recommended. But that’s a combo that’s short, and you’ll find complaint from those who’ve tried (not new guys).

Hi-Q BATT connection, and best antenna system. Every rig deserves it.

Here’s roof underside in one like mine. The access point is thru the dome light. I’d want it to be just a little behind that rib for best exterior appearance, but leave that to the owner.


This is a dedicated tool to make that installation clean & easy. Low risk.


The radio in discussion is impressive. There’s no reason to shortchange any aspect.

One can go up in height & price from here, but this is an excellent start. Best start, unless I miss my guess.

The vacationer isn’t going to notice a difference assuming he’s willing to also install the right external speaker, and to install his radio where access is easy. I’m assuming that AM/SSB is the minimum in an integrated-NRC radio.

What’s to be heard on the highway is pretty far off from this. It’s not until men get serious that this level is appreciated.

My take is that the better the radio rig the more enjoyable is the experience of use. Better radio rig just gets used more. The point.

Use is that there’s no radio service or cell app that prevents stupidity. That’s everyone in tbe left lane seen here. High risk for no reward.


Emergency room physicians will tell you that one can live a nice long-life as an obese chain-smoker with a drinking problem compared to those who are gunshot or in a serious (not even fatal) automobile accident.

Best radio has many attributes. First is that it trains one to be more attentive. The rest tends to follow once learns to maintain maximum vehicle separation the day long.

It didn’t take long for the maroons seen above get around the U-Haul family moving themselves and their goods. Don’t you love the respect the maroons had for man, wife, and children all arranged in a major accident pile-up so as to include them?

I waited and was easily around them a bit later. All alone. As it should be.

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth

The expense of an accessorized complete radio system is incentive.

Not money.


Think of this maroon (who lived) when it seems too much trouble. Or cuts into the Netflix account. The tattoo budget.

No matter that the mouth-breather, designer-shoe-of-the-month is on sale TODAY ONLY! 75-miles away . . it’s right tools & right practice that will have been life as lived.

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth

“It were a aksee-dent”

Stopped between two big trucks. Who’d come to a stop. But not the next big truck coming around the curve at almost 70.

Wrong place alright. I’d bet, no understanding of what was out ahead. Or what was gaining.

You’ll hear “it” in men’s voices.

3-miles is what you want. Dead-minimum rural. Gonna be seated in the front rows for the event otherwise. Someday.

Hearing, “Brake Check Eastbound!”, it’s more than the words.

The folks in that half-ton pickup didn’t hear “it”.
And common sense got dropped off many miles back. Maybe missed the ride.

NRC will get you there.

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Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
View attachment 164835

The expense of an accessorized complete radio system is incentive.

Not money.


Think of this maroon (who lived) when it seems too much trouble. Or cuts into the Netflix account. The tattoo budget.

No matter that the mouth-breather, designer-shoe-of-the-month is on sale TODAY ONLY! 75-miles away . . it’s right tools & right practice that will have been life as lived.

View attachment 164836
oh my Gosh, those pictures.... remind me to sell my smart fortwo car... and that shoe... is that what the guy in the accident had to wear after the accident?


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Naw, just needs more traction than his boots to reach the go-pedal from that seat angle. Running too fast to get them before the store closes.



If you’d seen what I’ve seen you’ll realize that them around you ain’t playin’ with a full deck.

Best radio — base or mobile — is how we learn about what we’d never imagine.

“Calexico Squat”, is on that list.
Can’t see, can’t track, and can’t stop.

Now add 20-yard dust storm visibility while on the two-lane across the Imperial.

DSP is that you can hear that someone is being cursed in Spanglish to stay between the lines.

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth

As noted previously, the Washington is greatly similar to the George 2 past added features; video below with a greater depth review, so, you may wish to watch this first (different reviewer):

These radios have features not found a very short time ago. While some are minor, all add to operating convenience or precision.


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Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
The W has a factory setting of 50C to engage the optional fans, in the first video it got to 45C fairly soon on FM (key-down; to be expected).

While perhaps one wouldn't be long-winded on FM, it’s a nice feature-set: temperature control plus read-out (in C or F).

From the first on-air testing:

By now — of course — you’ve already acquired a DRIVER EXTREME DRX-901 High Fidelity External Audio Speaker, so it’s not at all hard for trained ears to tell this will be a superb RX pairing.

Digi-Mic will, IMO, be the TX equivalent.

It will take attempts with the Mic to dial-in that last bit by yourself and with others (who’ve NRC RX), just as with speaker that best mobile location (or on a base set-up, some audiophile tweaks) to “pay” for the expense.

Given that the same expenditure just a few years ago (pre-NRC) delivered nothing as nice without modifications and further expense to get closer, there’s not anything expensive about chasing the last bit of performance from the antenna & power systems as it can be heard in radios of this quality at either end.

I say this with confidence as it’s something of a shock to again have to use a 1989 radio rig after having experienced 2024 where Power & Antenna System are both in very good order.

The same $5-600 of radio/mic/speaker while “very nice” in 2021 wasn’t ever close to 2024 at this current upper end.

Size, weight & power versus a YAESU FT-891 in an 11M (Mars Mod) performance comparison would be one great video to watch.

I think one would come away — for the first time in recent memory — of what is meant by “sophistication” in mobile comms. As Citizen Band isn’t meant to be competitive . . . .

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