Actually, I thought I was hearing the same thing, however, I had my narrow filter on, and since I was sitting near the fire truck and rescue truck (accident I was helping clear up), I heard them perfectly, but not any other unit. I had that freq. programmed in from the FCC info, so it wasn't a random scan pickup.
Ok, one more question. I know, you're getting the third degree, but that isn't my intention. It's just my intention to have Preston Co mapped out for you guys as best as possible.
When you were listening to the fire and rescue trucks on 154.2875, did you have the means to see if it was also coming over the repeater on 154.1525 ? I believe you said that was the case, but I want to make sure.
And for some other questions [because I'm curious] - What the heck is the significance of Rich Wolf Drive? We obviously know the Bruceton / Kingwood (Briery Mtn) / Fellowsville (Laurel Mtn) are all high locations for coverage, but there are a couple different locations [according to FCC licensing] in Kingwood such as Rich Wolf Dr, 133 Wellsley, and Preston 911. Just wondering what kind of facility would be on Rich Wolf Drive or if it's just a tower site down in town or something.
Lastly, you know this is going to drive me [and probably MotorolaNut] crazy since the licensing and the real-world setup do not appear to jive. I know I'm scratching my head. You must admit, there are still a lot of "unconfirmed" frequencies for preston thus far, even though most of those are input frequencies.
I'll go ahead and set 154.2875 as the input for the central repeater. Would appreciate it though if you and others who monitor Preston would keep an ear peeled for all the other nonconfirmed inputs and outputs.
Thanks for your sleuthing!
PS: Tonight I'm hearing 155.115 DCS 152 better than your feed is currently. Imagine that rofl.