This thread is not about how I want to see things named, it is about the error that the software somehow creates when using the software as it is meant to be used.
Download RR database, upload to scanner. Get an error.
How in the world is that MY fault?
What an elitist bunch of snobs. The software is flawed, simple. Instead of making it MY issue, how about just one of you offering a solution to the problem?
Also, there is no "Display" attribute that WIN500 gives you the option to check on any of the Nashville databases, so checking that option is useless, unless "Display" actually means something else. There is also no check box to select it to show the actual "Alpha Tags" as they are shown in the database, only options to use different elements of the "description" field and the mysterious "Display" field. Even with all of that, no matter how the boxes are checked, it still displays "Nashville" on the scanner when it finds a channel. Changing the "Description" field to what I want does work for me.
That is not the point of the thread however, the thread is about getting an error after simply using the very basic function of the software and database. How can I prevent the error in the first place.
And please, before any more of you post your condescending drivel, know that I am a retired USAF Ground Radio MSGT, earned an EE while in the AF, and now Network Admin for 135 facilities in 11 states. I am capable of reading and comprehending even the most complex instructions. I have thoroughly read all of the posts in the WIN500 thread, read information on other sites on the web, yet can find nothing about using this software and not getting this error. If there is some secret hidden knowledge base that tells how, please direct me to it as that is what I paid for. I didn't pay to be belittled by anyone for using the software as it was intended to be used.