Pro 163 Help

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Dec 27, 2009
Troutdale, Oregon
So I am new to this hobby and I currently work as a security officer and I was a former Fire volunteer. I live in multnomah county Oregonn and I am trying to set each bank up as... for example

Bank 0- Multnomah County Sherrif, Portland PD, Troutdale PD, Gresham PD, OSP ect
Bank 1- Portland Fire, Corrbet Fire, Gresham fire ect.
Bank 2- Clackamas County Sherrif, Sandy PD, Canby Pd ect
Bank 3- Clackamas Fire, Sandy Fire(where I volenteered) Boring Fire ect.
and so on

is this possible?

Also i dont understand trunking that well is there any matterial I can read to help me understand?

Thanx Chris


Mar 31, 2007
Jackson Square, East Weymouth, MA.
On trunking read: Trunked Radio Systems - The RadioReference Wiki
On your frequencies look at: Multnomah County, Oregon (OR) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
Clackamas County, Oregon (OR) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
Washington County / Clackamas County Trunking System, Various, Oregon - Scanner Frequencies
Portland-Vancouver Metro Area Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
Portland Bureau of Emergency Communications (BOEC) Trunking System, Portland, Multi-State - Scanner Frequencies

Plenty to look through and digest, so have fun. You may want to ask in the Oregon thread about how folks have their scanners set up. I see some LTR systems, those are pretty simple, follow the LCN (Logic Channel Number) scheme and you'll do fine. Motorola is real easy to do too, just set the mode accordingly. Mainly Smart Zone systems for your area, as well as the rest of the world are simple but people make them sound complicated. Just set the mode and go.

Pointer on talk groups, just let the scanner listen for them at first, hit the Trunk key to allow them to populate the scanner and then when you have a nice bunch of them, go in and tag them with text of your choice. I suggest getting the latest Win97 and after you have learned to manually program, use Win 97 to clean up and organize what you have in the scanner.

Win97 - Data Management Software for the PRO-97, PRO-2055, PSR-300, PSR-400, PRO-164, and PRO-163 Scanners


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
Welcome to

.. I am new to this hobby ... I live in multnomah county Oregon and I am trying to set each bank up ...
Bank 0- Multnomah County Sherrif, Portland PD, Troutdale PD, Gresham PD, OSP ect
Bank 1- Portland Fire, Corrbet Fire, Gresham fire ect.
Bank 2- Clackamas County Sherrif, Sandy PD, Canby Pd ect
Bank 3- Clackamas Fire, Sandy Fire(where I volenteered) Boring Fire ect.
and so on

is this possible?

Also i dont understand trunking that well is there any matterial I can read to help me understand?
It is "possible", but not the way it will end up working best. What you need to understand about the trunked systems (TRSs) in your area are the specific "channels" or talkgroups (TGs) on the systems. What you will want to do is put each TRS in its own bank. Don't put the same TRS in two banks with a different selection of TGs as you WILL miss calls.

What I would do is this:
bank 0 - conventional frequencies, mutual aid, etc
bank 1 - Portland (Multnomah) TRS (link)
bank 2 - Washington/Clackamas TRS (link)
bank 3 - OSP (if that is of interest)

You will find that most of what you want to hear is on one of the two TRSs I have listed. The way GRE expects us to organize TGs is by "sub-groups". So you might put Portland PD in sub-group 1-0-0 and Multnomah Sheriff in sub-group 1-0-1, etc. It is not as elegant to toggle sub-groups on and off as it is banks, but that's what it takes to avoid missing stuff. There are some other ways to do this, but it really depends on the bigger picture of all you want in the scanner and how you'd expect to monitor (such as from one location and never mobile, etc).l


Oct 27, 2007
Northern Passaic County, NJ
PRO-163 Urgent

I am progging a new Pro-163 for a buddy and getting a cable error. Is the 20-047 cable not compatible? I looked through the firstthree pages of this forum and found nothing. Do i need to update with Don Starr or do i need the 1/8 inch adapter?

Please help, poor guy is hovering over me right now. Thanks.

Sean, ans Happy New Year.
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Dec 19, 2002
Fortunately, GA
I am progging a new Pro-163 for a buddy and getting a cable error. Is the 20-047 cable not compatible? I looked through the firstthree pages of this forum and found nothing. Do i need to update with Don Starr or do i need the 1/8 inch adapter?

Please help, poor guy is hovering over me right now. Thanks.

Sean, ans Happy New Year.

Did you make sure that the correct port is chosen for where the cable is installed? This can be accomplished by checking under device manager, USB ports. Make sure that the com port is what is showing under the configuration tab on the software:) Oh, make sure that you are uploading to the 163/164 tab under the scanner tab.


May 8, 2009
Wichita, KS
I am progging a new Pro-163 for a buddy and getting a cable error. Is the 20-047 cable not compatible? I looked through the firstthree pages of this forum and found nothing. Do i need to update with Don Starr or do i need the 1/8 inch adapter?

Please help, poor guy is hovering over me right now. Thanks.

Sean, ans Happy New Year.

When I first got this cable to use with my 163&164 i had errors also.... Updated the drivers and all was good once again. Also I was using win97 that works flawlessly with that model. And NO, you do not need that adapter to program the 163.
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