You would be saving your money to get the Pro-164... It is on sell now for $169.99 compared to the Pro-106 going for $499.99. There are a few things that are P25 (Digital).. Border Patrol (VHF conventional), FPS (UHF conventional), Coast Guard (VHF conventional), IWN (P25 digital trunking with 95% encrypted channels), TSA (VHF conventional, heard about them, but never decoded them) and the military bases ( McChord AFB and Ft Lewis - UHF Trunked). Like dTardis said, there is a few P25 channels with the SERS, Seattle, KC and TPD TRS but they are all encrypted if using P25. So with "all" of the P25 out there, your not missing much. With you living in Tacoma, you would be able to decode military trunking and maybe FPS. That's about it. If I am missing any other P25 systems (trunked or conventional), let me know.