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CDM Pro Radio CPS - Enable monitor when mic off hook

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Jun 21, 2016
New York, USA
Sorry I tried looking around quite a bit but I'm having trouble finding what I'm looking for.

Being we use our radios on a shared frequency with our own PL, is there any way where we can program the CDM radios to enable Monitor mode when the mic is taken off the hook? Just by looking at the mic and the pinouts I know this radio has the ability to know if its mic is off the hook or not.


Mar 7, 2002
New Orleans region
That is the normal way they work. You don't have to do anything different. Radio will go into carrier squelch when you lift the mic off the grounded mic clip.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
Yes. I have this on my CDM in my personal truck.

In the CPS, go to the "Radio Configuration" menu. Basic tab. Click the Hook (HUB) defeats PL button so it's checked.
Write to the radio.

You'll need to have a metal mic clip. The microphone button has two contacts. The metal mic clip completes the circuit when it's in the clip. When you take the mic off the clip, it opens the circuit and switches the radio to "monitor" mode and bypasses the coded squelch. When you put the mic back on the hook, the RX coded squelch takes over.


Jun 21, 2016
New York, USA
Ah okay, that option was disabled in the radios I had gotten. I'm a little familiar with it as my fathers old Patriot's had that (and i remember the paper clip on the back of the base station mic lol). Now that I think about it, there probably isn't a good reason that paper clip should have shocked us every time we accidentally touched it... I do already have the metal mic clips in place, all but one mic does support this (i got a real old one that I don't think has the pins), and I'm assuming this monitor button on my desktop mic that doesnt do anything will probably have something to do with that (guess I'll find out). Now all I have to do is figure out what truck I left my programming cable in.

Thank you guys =)


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
I do already have the metal mic clips in place, all but one mic does support this (i got a real old one that I don't think has the pins),

You can try grounding the mic clip and see if that works. I think some of the older Motorola mics worked like that, but I could be wrong. I usually just ground all my mic clips out of habit.

and I'm assuming this monitor button on my desktop mic that doesnt do anything will probably have something to do with that (guess I'll find out). Now all I have to do is figure out what truck I left my programming cable in.

Yes, that should make it work.

If you use the scan function of the radio, you can also set it up to suspend scan when the mic goes off hook.


Jun 21, 2016
New York, USA
Yeah I actually saw the scan option for the MCS 2000, so I went back to PRCPS and found it there too, I'll check that out. Thank you
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