Pro96Com Pro96com to SDR? ...or equivalent?


Premium Subscriber
Sep 3, 2008
I've been serching online and haven't found any real current info, so I though I'd ask here:

-Has there been any work done to use SDR input with Pro96com?

-Is there any other decoding software out there that can take SDR input and decode channel infi with the detail that Pro96com does?

I was recenetly shown output from Pro96com and waas really impressed with the level and presention of channel info.
I am currently toying around with Trunk-Recorder, SDRTrunk and DSDPlus Fastlane, but none give the organized detailed infi like Pro96com.

Thanks in advance for any replies!



Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
I've been serching online and haven't found any real current info, so I though I'd ask here:

-Has there been any work done to use SDR input with Pro96com?

-Is there any other decoding software out there that can take SDR input and decode channel infi with the detail that Pro96com does?

I was recenetly shown output from Pro96com and waas really impressed with the level and presention of channel info.
I am currently toying around with Trunk-Recorder, SDRTrunk and DSDPlus Fastlane, but none give the organized detailed infi like Pro96com.

Those programs along with Unitrunker all are similar to Pro96Comm and even decode P25 RID aliases when available.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 3, 2008
I am aware of the capability of the other programs, but Pro96com really shows, very clearly, more connection info. I want to see more info on the interconnections.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
I am aware of the capability of the other programs, but Pro96com really shows, very clearly, more connection info. I want to see more info on the interconnections.

Having used multiple programs, I believe DSD+ Fast Lane shows as much as Pro96Comm, including creating logs for you. There hasn't been any updates to Pro96Comm in years and I would be surprised if it is redesigned to work with an SDR. Sorry my suggestion didn't help you find a substitute.
Feb 3, 2015
Hi, bburkett

Pro96com utilizes a decode radio to decode data from a P25 P1 control channel and then displays that information on your PC.
I have used Pro96com for most of the program's life. It was always limited by what a decode radio was capable of decoding.

In the beginning the program utilized the Radio Shack Pro96 scanner to do the decoding. I found out very quickly that this scanner was unable to decode the multi-block (extended) messages sent by a VHF P25 P1 control channel. Those "unknown" messages had never been seen in use in North America, but they were being seen on another P25 P1 system in Australia. My new Pro96 scanner was a brick from day one.

Pro96com was unable to display the undecodable data, but those unknown packets could be seen in the program's "Dump" and "RAW dump" files. The unknown messages were soon decoded the hard way and that information enabled GRE to produce their PSR500 model capable of decoding the explicit messaging utilized by a VHF P25 P1 control channel. The PSR500 is incapable of decoding messages sent by a P25 P2 control channel. I am still using my old PSR500 and Pro96com today and there are a couple of proprietary emergency messages not displayed, but I am ok with this because I know what those message are.

The programs listed above by RaleighGuy do all of the decoding and displaying on your PC, without the need for a decode radio.
Radios like the Pro96 and PSR500 can not be upgraded and are now obsolete. All of the programs RaleighGuy has listed are all upgraded
on a regular basis so that they never become obsolete.

You could share what you like about the way Pro96com displays things with the authors of these programs and ask them if they could make a few changes, as they all appear to be very willing to make their programs more user friendly.

I utilize Unitrunker 2.2, and you made no reference to utilizing this program in your first post. I recommend that you try it.


PS, maybe it's time for us send the cops over to his house to do a "wellness check" on him.
A link to Mike's last message:
Last edited:


Premium Subscriber
Sep 3, 2008
Hi mobby1

Thanks for taking time to reply!

I did look at UniTrunker, but I don't remember why I didn't try it. DSDPlus Fastlane appears to give all the info, but its tough to easily put it all together. At least for me!

What I really like about Pro96com is the way info is presented. There are seperate windows for site info, adjacent site info, frequency tables, and affiliation logs grouping the info together in an easy to read form. It would really help me analyze the systems.

I am feeding RDIOScanner with Trunk-Recorder and SDRTrunk and presenting it on the web. It's working pretty well and I am trying to understand more about how this all works. Currently I am trying to figure out why Trunk-Recorder works well for a close system, but not for a more distant system. SDRTrunk is able to pull in the distant with not too much trouble. I've played around with gain settings, etc and can't get T-R to work. DSDPlus Fastlane decodes the same distant station pretty easily.

I guess the developer of Pro96com is like the developer for RDIOScanner: made a good product, but now busy with other ventures!

Again, thanks for your time!

73 Bob


Premium Subscriber
Sep 3, 2008

Just installed UniTrunker! Looks pretty good! May be just what I want.
I need to spend some time with it and get it figured out, but this is more what I wanted.

By the way, you mention v2.2, but I only saw v2.1 for download.

Thanks again,


Premium Subscriber
Sep 3, 2008
Ok, Mobby1, I've been trying to learn Unitrunker! Pretty nice!
Any idea how to get my RID alias list into the "label" filed? I've searched high and low (my buddy Google) an I can't find a way! I've requested to join the Google Group, but haven't been approved yet.

Feb 3, 2015
Hi, bburkett

The RID alias information that you will have to add the hard way is stored in the Unitrunker xml file.
Click on the yellow folder in the top left corner of the radio receiver window.
At the top you will see the location: AppData > Roaming > Unitrunker > R93CCF0E7
This folder is where any logging files are stored if you turn on, logging the control channel.
Click on > Unitrunker > to open that window. I would create a desktop shortcut to this folder.

All your P25 system, talk-group IDs, RIDs are stored in the Unitrunker xml file.
You can click on it to open it and have a look, but do not make any changes to this xml file.
Do not try to edit this file. I have tried to edit this file, but that always caused the program to crash
and I lost everything.

I frequently send this file to a compressed zip folder so I always have a backup.

You may find someone in the Google group that has successfully completed this a task.

I just add all the RID labels one at a time by clicking on the RIDs that I wish to edit.

Sorry about this. No real help here.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 3, 2008

I did see that the info is stored in the xml file. I found an XML editor but there no way to import the info. I’m kind of surprised to see the data stored that way with no way to import data that is needed but not generated by the program. I wonder why not .csv or SQL lite database. I’ll be curious to see what I can find in the Google group. I’m also surprised that since this question has been asked for years there is no building way or workaround.

Again, Thank you for your time!
