ProScan: Proscan Warning


The big K
Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
I'm everywhere Focker!
The timing of the below issue is just so weird...

One instance of my ProScan controlling a 536 via WiFi magically changed the audio output from my BT speaker to the computer internal speaker over night, none of the other instances changed and it's never done this before. It's been running solid for a long time with no magic changes. I can absolutely guarantee I didn't accidently change it, especially since it worked right before I turned my laptop off and didn't as soon as I turned it back on.

Am I upset with ProScan? No. Things happen. Am I blaming Proscan? No again. If this happens again I can open a bug report (and get my $750!), but I've been using ProScan for several years now and this is the first time it's happened so I'm pretty sure it's just one of things.

Stuff happens.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
I keep my data on an external SSD. I back it up monthly to another external SSD. Another advantage is if I use my laptop, I can bring along my active external SSD and have access to all of my data. I used to do that when I worked in an office and used my own laptop.

If my desktop internal SSD crashes, I'll have to reinstall the OS and my programs, but the data will be safe.

For someone who claims to be proficient with computers, you seem to be anything but.

a) Your laptop can go from "running just fine" to FUBAR at any time. It happens. Your laptop is not magically immune to reality. Back up important data frequently. If you don't and you lose it, it's YOUR fault. End of story. Same goes for whatever's on your phone - photos, communications, yadda yadda.

b) Deleted files get overwritten. It's how computers have always worked. Blaming any particular program for that overwriting is ridiculous. Programs don't decide what parts of a drive they're going to write to - that's the OS's job.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2003
Retired 40 Year Firefighter NW Tenn
To add to the few above post.
When you upgrade software it is your responsibility to test to see if everything is working and no settings were changed.
The world is not plug and play and everybody else's fault when things go wrong.

This is the reason I will not do Firmware or Software Updates on Customer Equipment without Tech Support being available.


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
One instance of my ProScan controlling a 536 via WiFi magically changed the audio output from my BT speaker to the computer internal speaker over night,
Try and look in Windows event handler for that particular time period what have happened. Maybe it tells you who to blame for the change of output device.

From internet:

How to check Windows system logs?

Click Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools. Double-click Event Viewer.
Select the type of logs that you wish to review (ex: Windows Logs)



Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2024
For someone who claims to be proficient with computers, you seem to be anything but.

a) Your laptop can go from "running just fine" to FUBAR at any time. It happens. Your laptop is not magically immune to reality. Back up important data frequently. If you don't and you lose it, it's YOUR fault. End of story. Same goes for whatever's on your phone - photos, communications, yadda yadda.

b) Deleted files get overwritten. It's how computers have always worked. Blaming any particular program for that overwriting is ridiculous. Programs don't decide what parts of a drive they're going to write to - that's the OS's job.
If Proscan did not get changed to self delete after 30 days everything would have been fine. You seem to ignore that. No, deleted files have not always been overwritten unless it was needed. TRIM does that. The meaning of my post was to warn people to back up their Proscan files just in case their setting got changed like mine did. I honestly don't know why anyone has a issue with that.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2024
You can use a batch file to perform a backup. My demo copy of ProScan have stopped working many moons ago but this file I made seems to work as it should. The folder where ProScan are installed might be different on your computer so you probably need to edit that as well where the backup folder should be. The @Echo are just a beep sound and cannot be copied from here and might create an error if not deleted but I have the file on google drive.

@Echo OFF
@Echo Backup of only new recorded files from ProScan to a new location each hour
@Echo You can abort operation at any time by Ctrl+C
timeout /T 10 >nul
REM Set all accessible files to attribute A and leave those that are in use
ATTRIB +A "C:\Program Files (x86)\ProScan\Recordings\*.*" /S /D
REM Copy only files that are set with attribute A and at a later date than in the backup folder
XCOPY "C:\Program Files (x86)\ProScan\Recordings\*.*" D:\ProScan_Backup\*.* /A /D /S /Y
@Echo **** Done copying files ****
REM wait for one hour, 360 seconds and then copy any new files created
timeout /T 360 /NOBREAK
goto 1

Thanks a lot. That looks just fine.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2024
I use GoodSync.

Amherst New York? That's a bit too far away from me.
Thanks. I imagine a judge and or my lawyer can get the calls if they need them. I just like to have all the documentation on my case as i can get.


Jul 2, 2012
As an IT professional, with over 25 years experience, I have seen so many cases of "lost data".
Is the data important? If so, where is your backup?
You don't have one, well it can't be that important.

Now while I 100% agree with your comments about the need to take backups, your posts came across as blaming ProScan, this is the part that a lot of us had issues with...

For anybody who is interested, this is a good read on backups.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 6, 2010
Saint Joseph, MI
... No, deleted files have not always been overwritten unless it was needed. TRIM does that. The meaning of my post was to warn people to back up their Proscan files just in case their setting got changed like mine did. I honestly don't know why anyone has a issue with that.
That's not the function of TRIM. I'll leave it to you to learn what it really does.

The guy who wrote ProScan said his updates didn't change the setting. He seems to know how computers behave pretty well.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2003
If Proscan did not get changed to self delete after 30 days everything would have been fine. You seem to ignore that. No, deleted files have not always been overwritten unless it was needed. TRIM does that. The meaning of my post was to warn people to back up their Proscan files just in case their setting got changed like mine did. I honestly don't know why anyone has a issue with that.
TRIM removes unnecessary data blocks.

As stated by some, the issue is not about backup, but rather with publicly warning without exhausting all private communication with Proscan.
In other words, I would have record of many messages between myself and Proscan with both the problem and hopefully many replies showing ideas and suggestions. If after a fair period of time and either no response or minimal help, I would bring this up as a request rather than a warning. It does appear though that Proscan issues are addressed quickly in this forum.

I realize we are all different, maybe just me, but I have always exhausted all avenues of communications before I warn on something publicly.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 7, 2013
I am going to let you in on a little secret if you promise not to tell anyone else … there never was a $750 incentive program. 🤫
No? Why would a professional developer troll like this? IMO it's unprofessional to dangle a carrot like this. Bug bounties are a real thing. Why tarnish your reputation for a joke? Care to explain? See the official email below:

Good Afternoon
That was something that wasn't advertised. If it was then I would get bugs that couldn't be duplicated or suggestions disguised as bugs.
It was a little incentive for the people going to the website initially and submitting bug reports the correct way the first time.
The program was canceled yesterday once you brought it up.

Bob Aune
Taking Scanning To The Next Level!


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2024
Try and look in Windows event handler for that particular time period what have happened. Maybe it tells you who to blame for the change of output device.

From internet:

How to check Windows system logs?

Click Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools. Double-click Event Viewer.
Select the type of logs that you wish to review (ex: Windows Logs)

I looked and it doesn't have anything but it doesn't go back very far either.