McClain County
Welcome to the fray!
You may have noticed that someone in McClain County has become quite creative in frequency selection lately. :roll:
For example, Newcastle has moseyed on down to 152.180MHz for Police and 152.090MHz for Fire. This is after receiving a couple of narrowband VHF frequency pairs (153.8075MHz and 155.6175MHz) for police use that are curently unused.
McClain County is of course on 153.9425MHZ, but there is no FCC license for this frequency. It appears to me that whoever is setting up these radios believes police do not need to follow the regulations that apply to the rest of us.
Anyhow, off my soap box and on to the question at hand.... It's been a few weeks, but last I knew Purcell was indeed on 154.845MHz. However, I would not be surprised to see them shuffle down to 152.XXXMHz to join everyone else. Try 152.345MHz and 152.900MHz. There are a couple of licenses in Purcell on those frequencies.
Otherwise, you might just search through 152MHz to 154MHz and see of anything interesting comes up. You're sure to snag a bunch of business stuff from those repeaters around highway 62 and highway 9, but you never know.
Good luck, and let us know what you find
--FAST 2
BTW, I see you are from Blanchard. What do they use 153.9875MHz for?