Sentinel: Question on creating a favorite list on sentinel with colorado DTRS sites


Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2009
Suggest continuing this conversation in the thread created in the Colorado forum here:
Thread was started on this forum and this topic brought up, was suggested I post in the colorado forum for more local help, did exactly that, replies continued from an already started conversation about this...


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Grand Junction, CO
Right, So I do understand that I have no control over the DTRS sites and who uses them. I don't dispute that.

My confusion was really just at, Why does my CSP troop seem to be silent for hours at a time. This led me to try and find answers, which led me to the information, that used Denver as an example and "Patching", that TG's from that area are sometimes grouped and or moved somehow to what I understand to be 1 TG combined with multiple troops during "off-peak" times, or for whatever the reason.

I was just trying to figure out how I could figure out where that TG was, and how to also monitor it, so I'm not missing out on radio traffic. My understanding is simply that I would need to add ALL TG's for my district ( District 2 ) and that would provide the TG that they have been grouped onto. That's simply if I understand that correctly.

Unfortunately, I have a few things I'm confused/unsure about regarding the grouping of the TG's, and monitoring them.

1. If I add the TG's For ALL district 2 troops TG's, will this result in having ALL their traffic from their area units all the time as well, or am I simply only going to hear my area cars as they are within my Site range I'm using, even though they have been moved to that troop areas TG? I would assume whatever the TG, that other District 2 troop/Troops are using is still going to only be heard off the SITE that they are closer to? OR am I going to Hear everything from ALL those district 2 cars outside my SITE boundary? I would still rather only hear my area cars, if possible, if they are using another TG, with the understanding that there could be some out of are stuff come through.

2. If what I've described is inaccurate, What is the option/Solution, from someone who knows, if they wouldn't mind sharing.

Thank You for the help/advice!
First... CSP essentially does not exist from. 11pm to 6am. 2nd, any 1 site will only broadcast traffic on a Talkgroup IF there is a radio (unit) in that Talkgroup associated with that site.

Also, at slow times, the dispatch center (Pueblo) may combine 2A and 2C to a single dispatcher. Or a CSP unit may switch channels from 2A to 2B when they cross the border between the 2 districts. For example, in my area, mile post 65 on I-70 is the border between Garfield County and Mesa County. It's also the border between Troop 4A and Troop 4C and thus a CSP Unit would typically notify dispatch that they are switching channels when they cross it.

All of the above is just the way DTRS and many other trucked systems are designed to get maximum use out of a limited set of frequencies.