For starters, its very clear what GGV SILVER 1 is. All it takes is a little education about the system to get to know what color designations are to learn its Garden Grove Public Works. This color education info can be added either on the Db page directly or in a Wiki if more appropriate.
And Silver is what listeners whether novice or expert would hear on the radio. If you want to argue for the benefit of the novice user especially, they are the ones that will be confused the most if they hear something on the radio that says "switch to Silver-1" and lo and behold there is nothing such downloaded into their scanner that says Silver-1. I certainly don't expect users have to print out screen shots of the Db so they can read the description fields, when the Color info can be nicely contained in the Alpha Tag.
Now as far as the Db, if you really want to dig deep, you'll see some of the most common alpha tag descriptions include very common Blue 1,2,3, or Red 1,2,3 listings in city after city and state after state. I know as I travel the nation for work and download info regularly and see this. Using Blue or Red alpha tags make sense when system users are set up this way and this is exactly what scanner listeners will hear.
At the end of the day, IMO, leaving the color info in Alpha field is quite logical when it comes to CCCS as that is how the system is utilized and is what listeners will hear. It nicely aligns actual system set up with the nomenclature scanner listener will hear
It's not about the little education needed, its some joe schmo that comes to Anaheim that wants to plug in this system into his scanner. Having 50 Silver talkgroups isn't helpful AT ALL. I'm just suggesting modifying the alpha tags, and descriptions, without losing what's there. Nothing has been left out. It's all still there. It's just a format that's a little different.
As far at the DB being different other places, well you can take it up with that states DB Admin. You won't find listings like that here in California. That's because I've taken the time and effort to get rid of that stuff because that's what the guide says.
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