My second equipment problem in less than a year:
Yesterday morning my R75 was working just fine, until I decided to relocate it to a different part of the room, which was simple enough. I unplugged the power supply, disconnected the antenna, moved the radio to the new location, then reconnected everything. Making sure the power supply was live, I then pressed the receiver's power button ... nothing! Even the backlight didn't come on. When powering up the radio I would usually hear the click of a relay as well, presumably the antenna switcher, but I don't even hear that now.
I've checked the radio's internal fuse, which hasn't blown. The power supply's fuse is intact, as well. Not having a multimeter, I tested the power supply by connecting it to a 3-volt flashlight bulb, expecting it to burn out immediately, which it did.
Has anyone else experienced this, or heard of it happening to an R75? The radio is more than 20 years old, so I suppose a component could have died, but which one, and why it gave out so suddenly, is a complete mystery to me.
Oops! I just noticed that this should have been posted to the equipment forum. Could a moderator please move it for me? Thanks!
Yesterday morning my R75 was working just fine, until I decided to relocate it to a different part of the room, which was simple enough. I unplugged the power supply, disconnected the antenna, moved the radio to the new location, then reconnected everything. Making sure the power supply was live, I then pressed the receiver's power button ... nothing! Even the backlight didn't come on. When powering up the radio I would usually hear the click of a relay as well, presumably the antenna switcher, but I don't even hear that now.
I've checked the radio's internal fuse, which hasn't blown. The power supply's fuse is intact, as well. Not having a multimeter, I tested the power supply by connecting it to a 3-volt flashlight bulb, expecting it to burn out immediately, which it did.
Has anyone else experienced this, or heard of it happening to an R75? The radio is more than 20 years old, so I suppose a component could have died, but which one, and why it gave out so suddenly, is a complete mystery to me.
Oops! I just noticed that this should have been posted to the equipment forum. Could a moderator please move it for me? Thanks!
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