Thanks for your response, Jerry.
I read your earlier post about adjusting the pause and resume settings and tried them out, but it made no difference on my system. The R30 receives nothing at all when it's scanning those output channels. It will show signal bars at full strength for the current control channel when I scroll through the system and stop on it, and it won't play the usual control-channel audio noise, which is nice.
This isn't a major problem because I have the aforementioned SDS100 and G5 for reliable reception ofthat simulcast system, but I did hear some glowing reports about how well other R30 owners were able to monitor simulcast systems in other parts of the country. There may still be some adjustments out there that I'm not aware of.
The R30 nonetheless outshines my other scanners when it comes to reception of just about everything else. I'm pretty sure Icom sells commercial trunked simulcast systems, but I suspect Icom simply didn't design those radios to do everything the R30 is doing at its very rapid scan rate (if, indeed, the fast scan rate is the problem).. Like everyone else, I'm still dreaming about a single, portable receiver that will do everything perfectly!
Thanks again.