The main `problem' with the radios that `Sporty's' sells is that they are `designed?' for a fairly limited and captive audience. Hence the `addition?' of the AM/FM radio section. What respectable `Air Foamer' / `Air Fan', similar to a `Rail Foamer' / `Rail Fan' {VB GRIN!}, would actually use a scanner with only *5* channels? (And would also actually listen to AM or FM radio to `pass the time away' whilst scanning the `air band(s)'?)
I'm afraid that you either have to take the `leap of faith' and buy something from some UK site or go and buy either a RS / GRE PRO-97 or one of `UniHeave's'... err Uniden's scanners and be `satisfied'. There *used* to be a couple other fairly reasonable `air band' scanners available here but apparently there wasn't enough of a market for them and they have since disappeared into oblivion / the occasional E-bay sale. (The only one I ever had *any* `experience' with was one called `The Black Jaguar' and I still have somewhat of a `sour taste' left from that. While it *did* `scan' the `air bands' it had sensitivity and image problems that were *very* annoying. I basically gave it away, for $25, when I finally got rid of it at a local `Flea Market'.) FWIW, what little `air scanning' I have done recently the PRO-97 I currently have *seems* to do a pretty good job. I had a few freqs programmed in and then used the "Signal Stalker" function to find a few more and had a fairly enjoyable afternoon of listening when I tried it. Maybe this next summer I'll actually go to a few air shows again now that I seem to have something that works?