Just about any audio software would have the capability of joining the tracks together. But before you do that, look and see what the specs are on the current audio files. I know it's a very low bit rate on the scanner files and if I remember right I believe they're real small wav files.I can't remember what detail is embedded. Look at the sample and bit rate and just keep it the same (it won't hurt if you change the settings but you run the risk of creating a much larger file) and use something like Audacity, a great free program that is very professional but would allow you to simply join all tracks, and I'd recommend keeping things the same with other data on the audio files.
Audacity I mentioned but you might be able to find and even easier to use free program if you did a Google search for joining wav files or mp3 files or whatever format they are. Audacity is a little bit more of a audio geeks program and it will easily do the joining but with so many files being created by the scanner, you might be able to find something easier to just load them all by date or folder or whatever you want to join them by and then doing something like highlighting all of them and then clicking join.
If you're on a Windows PC you can usually get most of the data you need by right clicking on one of the audio files, clicking on Properties, and then clicking on the Details tab. And any audio program worth its salt will tell you these details as well when you look at an audio file. There are tons and tons of free programs out there and you would just need to research what the steps were with the specific program you were using in order to join tracks together.
I always wished that it was a VOX type recording that created one file per day or at least one file per session from whenever you started and stopped a recording. But what I have been using to play back the files, and I decided against joining them due to the time it all takes, is I open up the folders containing the files in foobar2000. It will display all of the same detail you see on your scanner screen which is the metadata embedded into the audio files. If you do any kind of conversion most of the times to the audio files, you lose the metadata. So if it's important to you, do some testing and be sure you know what you're doing before you go converting too much. I can't say that the metadata or TGID and other information like channel names will be there for sure if you change the files or even join them together