I noticed one of the wires came undone on the cable https://www.amazon.com/Bingfu-Handh...ght+angle&qid=1586407342&s=electronics&sr=1-2 at the angle section. I notice Amazon no longer sells the usb dongle so I found this dongle https://www.amazon.com/RTL-SDR-Blog-RTL2832U-Software-Defined/dp/B0129EBDS2 and this cable https://www.amazon.com/Bingfu-Anten...a+antenna&qid=1586406604&s=electronics&sr=1-3 I did order the one wire came off. I was wonder if I get 2 of the v3 dongles and use them on dsdplus do I need to change anything in dsdplus and the zdiag software I believe I spelled that right.? I do notice one of the dongles I have is slowly bent over the years. I did pick this up a few months back https://www.amazon.com/ORICO-4-Port-Ultra-Slim-Data/dp/B00G92IZCS/ref=sr_1_5?crid=19IASXUW1IGX2&dchild=1&keywords=orico+usb+3.0+hub&qid=1586407726&sprefix=orico,aps,258&sr=8-5
I noticed one of the wires came undone on the cable https://www.amazon.com/Bingfu-Handh...ght+angle&qid=1586407342&s=electronics&sr=1-2 at the angle section. I notice Amazon no longer sells the usb dongle so I found this dongle https://www.amazon.com/RTL-SDR-Blog-RTL2832U-Software-Defined/dp/B0129EBDS2 and this cable https://www.amazon.com/Bingfu-Anten...a+antenna&qid=1586406604&s=electronics&sr=1-3 I did order the one wire came off. I was wonder if I get 2 of the v3 dongles and use them on dsdplus do I need to change anything in dsdplus and the zdiag software I believe I spelled that right.? I do notice one of the dongles I have is slowly bent over the years. I did pick this up a few months back https://www.amazon.com/ORICO-4-Port-Ultra-Slim-Data/dp/B00G92IZCS/ref=sr_1_5?crid=19IASXUW1IGX2&dchild=1&keywords=orico+usb+3.0+hub&qid=1586407726&sprefix=orico,aps,258&sr=8-5