SDS100/SDS200: Restore Db Questions


Premium Subscriber
May 28, 2012
Still trying to figure out how to import/restore from saved files and I have several questions (wish I could find a good vid on how to program/restore)
I have heard that Sentinel and Proscan files are not that correct? They both use *.hpd files
Proscan does not have a restore that I have seen so I'm still trying to figure out the steps.
I have both Proscan and Sentinel, which is the easyest to program with?
Sorry for the newbie questions, I just want to understand.....

Thanks for any help!


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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
There is a difference between "import" and "restore". Import means to bring in. Restore means to put back the way it was previously.

Proscan does not have a restore that I have seen so I'm still trying to figure out the steps.

Did you read any of what was posted in your other thread?



Premium Subscriber
May 28, 2012
Yes, I've been trying but I'm sorry Dave I don't work with it much and I'm getting older and due to back problems/lack of sleep I'm not as sharp as I could be.
All of my posts mostly have been about programming.....NOW I'm asking best way to save and restore if/when I FU!
I also asked if Proscan HPD are interchangeable with Proscan HPD (I DO remember something Bob told me years ago that I could not use Sentinel files in Proscan.....Did things change since 2021.....probably....I missed a lot and I'm just trying to get some help.....sorry if I upset you...

From what I can figure out the .cfg is my Profile? So do I import the *.cfg file the open each HPD file that I have separately?
"Did you read any of what was posted in your other thread?" Gonna give me a hint or a link? I've had around 44 posts and as I said where about other things.

Appreciate your help


Software Provider
Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2006
Ontario, Calif.
I have heard that Sentinel and Proscan files are not that correct? They both use *.hpd files
Incorrect. The Favorites files in ProScan and Sentinel uses the same exact format and are interchangeable.
In ProScan, you can open a Favorites that was created in Sentinel and visa-versa.


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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
NOW I'm asking best way to save and restore if/when I FU!
There are a few scenarios of fu'ing up. In any event, there is always a copy in the scanner, Proscan and sentinel, if you do as I mentioned. If I write to scanner with sentinel, I read into Proscan also. If I program with Proscan, I also read into sentinel.
From what I can figure out the .cfg is my Profile? So do I import the *.cfg file the open each HPD file that I have separately?
No, they are not normally opened. Sentinel writes to them when you make changes in Discovery and or any of your Sentinel profile settings. Proscan does not do anything with profile settings.

Discvery.cfg is for the discovery feature
F.list cfg is for favorites lists.
Profile.cfg is the user profile/scanner settings



Premium Subscriber
May 28, 2012
Thanks for the info!
Maybe what I was thinking is you cannot use the Sentinel files in Proscan and visa versa, but each can read the scanner data and save it in it's location (where ever you set it)
I just wish there was a video showing step by step setting up the scanner....don't know how I did it beforeo_O
I was using Proscan to load from the start (new sd card and wipe) and it seems so cumbersome THEN when I import it asks what favorite to save it in and it just shows a "Favorite" folder and I can create a new one but for some reason I cannot find where to change the name and when you create the new favorite it does not give me the option....I must be doing something wrong but at this point Sentinel seems easier.
I just found from when I first got this scanner and a text file not for me and you can see that sentinel USED to have a "Restore" so there must have been a "backup"....guess they just changed the names which has caused me some confusion. That file is from 2021......

Guess Sentinel I'll use for programming and Proscan for operational/listening

Thanks for the reply!


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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
was using Proscan to load from the start (new sd card and wipe) and it seems so cumbersome THEN when I import it asks what favorite to save it in and it just shows a "Favorite" folder and I can create a new one but for some reason I cannot find where to change the name and when you create the new favorite it does not give me the option....I must be doing something wrong but at this point Sentinel seems easier.
I just found from when I first got this scanner and a text file not for me and you can see that sentinel USED to have a "Restore" so there must have been a "backup"....guess they just changed the names which has caused me some confusion. That file is from 2021......

Guess Sentinel I'll use for programming and Proscan for operational/listening
After you have read the scanner into proscan, proscan will see any and all favorite lists. You can edit, add to and or delete them if you choose.

When you import something from radio reference, it’s asking you if you want it added to an exsisting fav list or if you want to create a new favorite list. If you add to, it will be the last item listed in that list. If you select new, it will be the only item.


Premium Subscriber
May 28, 2012
You can rename a fav. list in Sentinel and I'd guess ProScan.

I can't follow all your posts, but it sounds like you are going the long way round it whatever you are doing.
It's been 3 years since I got the SDS200 and I could not remember if I used Sentinel or Proscan to program. I had been using ARC396 for my BDC396 and I was getting them all mixed up in my old mind....Seems Sentinel is the easiest to program in a lot at one time.......


Premium Subscriber
May 28, 2012
You can rename a fav. list in Sentinel and I'd guess ProScan.

I can't follow all your posts, but it sounds like you are going the long way round it whatever you are doing.
Can't agree more....that's why I'm asking questions and this time I will document what I'm doing.... And videos...I followed the video on zip code programming step by step but then I got to a point where I could not continue (something was missing that I was supposed to do but it wasn't there (vid from 2019) and I guess the app had changed through upgrades.....