Revised FCC Form 605 Will Ask Applicants “the Felony Question”

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Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
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Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
.Or apply for a GMRS license-- all easy-peasy- and has little emotional involvement.
Are you sure there isn't a felony question on the GMRS license application? They use a similar Form 605 for that license.


Dec 22, 2013
Are you sure there isn't a felony question on the GMRS license application? They use a similar Form 605 for that license.

I think the point was to check the water by revealing the Felony on one of those types of licenses that have less emotional investment than a "Ham" license. If accepted, rejoice, if not well you it was just a GMRS license.

I will add that I have seen some pretty compelling stories told here and on other similar threads. Those are the ones that should be put to paper when the FCC asks for explanation.

I think that unless you are public enemy number one or you have a habit of jamming the radio system of the local constabulary the FCC has little concern with a pot conviction or dipping the till at your 7-11 job 20 years ago.


Dec 22, 2013
Hmmmmm...Oh My !,
I have a Fourth suggestion, but some things will have to wait. I am rediscovering my old haunts in DC, - (-tonight its a late dinner date at a favorite Irish restaurant/bar in Eastern Market.)
Good luck Fellows---------- :)

When I worked for a now defunct Beltway Bandit, the boss liked to take us out to Clydes of Tysons Corner which was around the block. Not sure if it was the food, the Bar or the artwork that brought him to that place. Alas it is now gone along with the murals.

A lot of federal money was spent in that place wining and dining.

I would be happy with a rib joint. Like Freddy's BBQ Joint in House of Cards.
Jun 13, 2018
Hey RFI ..... ;)
I've never been to Clyde's- my loss from all I've heard. I have been told they closed awhile ago to expand Tyson's Center; to reappear some time soon (?) .... if so, its now on my 'list.' Meanwhile its been Finn McCools in SE... :)
My new life in DC as the New Girl in Towne has meant doing the circle of agencies and a lot of lunches/dinners....that passes for work here...;)
The K Street corridor has added pounds to me already... and though I fly home whenever I like, I miss the simplicity of the west.
Back to the topic---
My Fourth suggestion, mentioned earlier-and this one I'm going leave very open ended.
One of the stops I made on The Acquaintance Tour was to 12th Street. Though what I do seldom will involve the FCC, I paid my formal visit (and, of course, was taken out to yet another high calorie lunch :) ) but I received an 'open door' invitation for things future.
Apropos this topic (and only this).... if someone here wants to know a number to call, send me a PM and I'll see what I can do to help you.... I make no promises except to try and point you in a good direction.


Aug 6, 2012
This is not an FCC initiative. If you want to gripe at somebody, look to Congress and the White House. They give the FCC their marching orders via legislation and/or executive orders.

Actually it is. The FCC has broad powers over the governance of the radio spectrum. They have the authority to add, change and delete all sorts of regulations without Congressional action within the scope of the federal statutes. The only federal agency that has even broader authority is perhaps the EPA.
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