The difference is that Lauris' idea WORKS.Sounds like something along the lines of the miracle Radium snake oil cures from the early 20th century. As in something that would be much regretted in the future.
The difference is that Lauris' idea WORKS.Sounds like something along the lines of the miracle Radium snake oil cures from the early 20th century. As in something that would be much regretted in the future.
But RF is not a harmful chemical (that probably has a warning for something in California), and even when walking on the sidewalk past a nail care place, I can smell the chemicals, I'm surprised workers don't have forced air respirators.OMG !!
What have I done !.... twisting this thread so !
(Acetone does just fine for polish removal)
View attachment 143668
I was on an airplane and someone 2 seats away was using nail polish remover during the flight. My contact lenses started to react.But RF is not a harmful chemical (that probably has a warning for something in California), and even when walking on the sidewalk past a nail care place, I can smell the chemicals, I'm surprised workers don't have forced air respirators.
Back in the "old days", we used acetic acid as a "stop bath" between the developer and fixer for both film and paper. Most of the time we bought it diluted, with a dye indicator added to let us know when it was exhausted. It was diluted even further for use (to about the acidity of weak vinegar). But there were a few times, and for reasons long forgotten, that we used glacial acetic acid* as the starting point. It was really, really nasty stuff to work with--it looked oily when you added it to water to dilute it down to working strength--and smelled like very strong vinegar.Years ago I scarred myself for life seeing what the effects of several drops of glacial acetic acid would do if placed on my left forearm
One of the guys I worked with long ago (to me long at least) worked on LORAN antennas, he said they would work on them while energized and everything was fine as long as you jumped to the ground from a few feet up...I recall a diathermy machine in my high school wood shop. AKA: The Wood Welder. Some sort of glue and then a hand held coil that you pressed down over the two pieces of wood and pulled a trigger. Humming ensued and the glue warmed up and did something or another.
I do recall the machine had a yellowed FCC license on the side of it. Even back then, it interested me, but I can't recall the details.
Spent some time at a LORAN station running > 1 million watts, slept within a 100 yards of the antenna base.
Most interesting experience was getting an MRI and having my wedding band start to vibrate in the eddy currents from the magnetic pulses.
I only get about 4 seconds of the video, then it cuts off....
Ever heard of the (drum roll) ... the "Electric Needle?"----
........electro cautery using high frequency radio -- very like the hot tip of a Tesla coil ?
DIY !---Attach a probe to your HF Icom transceiver and remove those nasty actinic keratosis ('sun lesions') from your face !
(just kidding, just kidding !!-- take a deep breath)
(Warning, this video is quite graphic and sensitive people should just move along)
I used to have to inspect and test those. At the hospital I worked at they called them ESUs. They put out variable power up to about 200 watts or so between 500 kHz to 2 MHz and either a steady carrier or variable pulse frequency and pulse duty cycle. There are different kinds of probes with different shaped tips. The probes and adjustable output allow the surgeon to cut or cauterize different types of tissue with different moisture content in air or wet. The RF return path is an adhesive conductive pad that they usually put on your back or butt..
Cowboys, ever heard of the (drum roll) ... the "Electric Needle?"----
........electro cautery using high frequency radio -- very like the hot tip of a Tesla coil ?
One of the guys I worked with long ago (to me long at least) worked on LORAN antennas, he said they would work on them while energized and everything was fine as long as you jumped to the ground from a few feet up...
Also.... They let you wear a wedding band in an MRI !!!
(I didn't make this slide, I found it on a web site and it was so good I copied it, it's a warning at some sort of medical school I think)
and yes, non-ferrous metals react to alternating magnetic fields... (I could pick up an aluminum can with a tape de-magnetizer).
Cowboys, ever heard of the (drum roll) ... the "Electric Needle?"----
........electro cautery using high frequency radio -- very like the hot tip of a Tesla coil ?
Interesting.... It's been said I smell like chicken when burning.Bad memories. My wife had to get that done outpatient. She wanted me in the room. I was OK with it, doctor was OK with it. Issue was that the doctor had a mask on and was accustomed to the smell of burning flesh. My wife was laying down. I neither had a mask or the option laying down. That was not a pleasant odor.
Looks like it is already working. You better duck inside and get your tinfoil hat pronto tonto.I really hope we're all wrong about this kind of thing.
Analysts warn China working on brain-control weapon * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh
A new, 12-page assessment by multiple intelligence analysts is warning that China is working to create "neurostrike" weapons that would directly target brain function, offering a method of controlling government leaders or an entire
Looks like it is already working. You better duck inside and get your tinfoil hat pronto tonto.
WorldNetDaily - Wikipedia