All pending orders have NOT shipped yet. We are having some parts supply issues that are out of my control. However, all of the boards are assembled and packed. We are waiting on parts to complete the cable kits that are shipped with the boards.
Having said that, I should have stopped when I was ahead and decided to not take anymore orders. At this point, I have received several threats for legal action against me for fraud, failure to deliver, ect. Overall, I have had a pretty decent time dealing with the general public, but it's times like these that make me want to close up shop.
Once the kits that are still on order have been shipped I WILL NOT build/ship anymore kits. NO EXCEPTIONS. Any boards left over will be disposed of and I will no longer offer this kit for sale. I will however, always support any kits that have been purchased previously.
Anyone who has emailed me prior to today and I gave them an estimated ship date, I can only appologize. Those dates were based on the fact that parts were on order and due to me, but turned up to be back on order. I was making an honest effort at guessing shipping dates, based on the knowledge I had at the time.
Again, I am sorry for the delays. I will make sure that all pending kits ship.