Rome Airshow/ Floyd System TG

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Senior Member
Database Admin
Sep 25, 2001
Right here...
I know its short notice, anyone catch any good frequencies from the airshow practice, the wife and I are coming down tomorrow. Also wondering if there was some good TG's on the system to listen too, this will be the first time I have a chance to listen to the new system.


Senior Member
Database Admin
Sep 25, 2001
Right here...
Well the airshow was pretty good, the Rome system was not so good. I was using a 396T and I could not get the scanner to stay on the control channel despite having it in control channel only mode with the single control channel programmed in and a good signal at the hotel. When it did lock up the control channel it would not receive any audio traffic, it would stop on a TG and make a pop and continue scanning. Now I have programmed systems of all types from many places and never had an issue with the 396 or programming, and when I got close to TN I was able to pick right up with the TVRS and sounded great with so I know its not a scanner issue. I was able to put all the frequencies in as conventional and could occasionally get maybe a 1/3 of a conversation between digital burps. I did not take my 996XT or HP so I dont know if they do any better, but I have to say that I was not impressed with the P25 offering from Harris.
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