Roswell residents crying foul over proposed URS tower

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Dec 27, 2004
Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from as long as one meter to as short as one millimeter, or equivalently, with frequencies between 300 MHz (0.3 GHz) and 300 GHz

not arguing that.... i know what microwaves are

I'm not arguing, I'm just pointing out that the author is correct about the microwave emissions, lol.
I think the author is using "microwave" as catch word for the....masses that would not take the time to research.

not arguing they DO NOT emit radiation either...... what im arguing is that this "author" is suggesting that they "bathe" people in radiation, when thats about as far from the truth as north to south poles.

you would have to literally position yourself between the two parabolic dishes inline with the beam.... the spread of those dishes like i said and what MTS said is VERY NARROW, almost like a sniper shot.... precise.


Oct 12, 2014
Radio Tower Yes, Lackey Road No

Here we go again, the North Futon elitists don't think a reliable, working public safety radio system is necessary.

Can't help but wonder if the "anonymous newsletter" came from the same whacknut in Johns Crack that cried about a prime site for the new Fulton county system going in up there.

Roswell neighbors upset over plan to build radio tower |

Oh I know, the cops should just use cell phones.


The concerned residents in Roswell understand the need for the towers and support the purpose and their construction We oppose the placement of the Lackey Road tower, especially given the other sites available with greatly reduced impact on residential properties and their value, views and enjoyment. Another location was rejected when that location required public discourse and Council approval. The Lackey Road location purportedly uses a technicality which could allow this type of tower to be placed anywhere the Authority could obtain a lease. Further, the current plans make no attempt at alternative designs to blend the structure in to the area.

Modest and expensive homes are effected, so your smug "elitist" ad hominem jab is misplaced. The City Administrator is also one of four members of the Authority, and was involved in sliding this through. If it has to be there, that is a different story. The people we elect in the City failed to advocate for the taxpayers and citizens.

Good day...


Dec 27, 2004
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

HAS TO BE stopthetower


if you are, probably going to deny it too.... i and many more of us have a few questions....

since you want to call MTS out... then ill lay this out.

when your "Modest" home becomes a burning pile of smoldered ash..... and the tower that got canned could have saved it, or when some smug thieves are stealing your car and precious "modest" home belongings and PD cannot get accurate info effectively relayed around.... don't cry boo hoo to the City.

what i love, is that the part about 24/7 "Strobes" not true.... no tower uses high intensity strobes during the night. LOW Intensity is used, either in Dull White or Red. i am a former Helicopter Pilot and also a United States Marine. in Combat Conditions - NO TOWER is even lit, not to the visible eye that is. at night, IRNV beacons are used, and in daylight... well human eyesight and common sense play out there.

also love you posted a statement of a "manufacturer" based claim of defects, no solid link or evidence to prove that it was even said.

either way.... your jeopardizing your own safety and the safety of your fellow citizens to "Modest and Expensive Homes" greed, with bogus information that could cost property loss and loss of life.

we know exactly what we are talking about, and if you created that webpage.... you obviously don't, take it else where.
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5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
The concerned residents in Roswell understand the need for the towers and support the purpose and their construction We oppose the placement of the Lackey Road tower, especially given the other sites available with greatly reduced impact on residential properties and their value, views and enjoyment. Another location was rejected when that location required public discourse and Council approval.

The "other sites" do not provide for adequate simulcast coverage without dramatically re-engineering the system and thus, increasing cost exponentially. You see, LMR sites for simulcast coverage for P25 is not like going to Best Buy and putting up WiFi access points. With CQPSK digital, sites have to overlap in precisely calculated locations and there are limitations on the distance, spacing between sites, power levels, etc and delay spread for the coverage and DAQ desired. Of course your little flyer doesn't explain all this because the author knows absolutely ZERO about digital LMR system design.

. The Lackey Road location purportedly uses a technicality which could allow this type of tower to be placed anywhere the Authority could obtain a lease.

It's not a technicality, it's state law. Government authorities do not need a special land use permit, they are exempt. Don't like it? Go call your state representative and get the law changed. Otherwise the school board would have to get an SLUP everytime they want to add seats to a high school gym or re-vamp a football field.

All your "anit-big gubment" conservatives would have a coronary at the though of that!

Further, the current plans make no attempt at alternative designs to blend the structure in to the area.

Again, there are technical parameters well above your comprehension level that are factors in preventing the designs for antenna structures you have in mind.

This isn't cellular or WiFi. It's part 90 LMR public safety radio.

Modest and expensive homes are effected, so your smug "elitist" ad hominem jab is misplaced.

Those same homes certainly are more affected when your police, fire and EMS workers are unsafe and will not enter your "modest and expensive" homes because they have unreliable radio communications because you don't want them to build out the system they need to perform their tasks in a safe manner.

Want to take a walking tour with me in your little town and I can demonstrate first hand how poor the current Smartnet analog system performs inside those "modest and expensive" homes in the area so you can gain a perspective you clearly do not have just how dire the situation is?

The City Administrator is also one of four members of the Authority, and was involved in sliding this through.

So what? Are you inferring that the city administrator acted improperly or illegally by using the authority given under state law? Better let Paul Howard know!

Since you are so concerned, where were you in 2000 when your county commissioners voted down funding for badly needed improvements to the King Rd site for the current county 800MHz system? You see, this is a problem that has LONG been ignored.

If it has to be there, that is a different story.

It certainly does need to be there. Again, when you actually understand RF propagation, Project 25 CQPSK simulcast system design, LMR coverage implementations, then you will gain some badly needed perspectives and see things in a much different light. When you understand that your public safety workers are struggling with an aged, poorly performing system installed close to 25 years ago that is becoming more and more unreliable as days go by, you will understand that this IS necessary and you will put your effort into supporting them and this project.

The people we elect in the City failed to advocate for the taxpayers and citizens.

you should be thanking them. You live in a city that takes public safety seriously enough to fund life safety projects, provide top pay for their employees, and wants them to have what they need to protect you.

You could live where I do, where we have lost 120 officers to other agencies because they are underpaid, overworked, and struggling to keep up with an ever growing crime problem.

Advocate for taxpayers and citizens? Ha ha, tell me that again after I finish emptying my jar of Vaseline paying $397 million dollars of MY tax money to some out of state private, for profit corporation to build some race to waste stadium that NO ONE WHO LIVES HERE wants.

We were thrown out of a public meeting and our voices were silenced. When that happens to you, then come register on a forum and tell us about not being represented by your elected officials.
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 6, 2005
The "other sites" do not provide for adequate simulcast coverage without dramatically re-engineering the system and thus, increasing cost exponentially.

And just how do you know this? Are you privy to the coverage maps and design information for this system? If so, could you post a link to them so we can see it too?


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Nov 21, 2003
Alright..when it comes to this kind of infomation i trust mts2000des to know whats going he has the sources on whats going on around with radio systems..he researches about all the systems that are active or being built now or later on...he know whats going on up in the metro i think it safe to say mr. mts2000des information is correct...

Sent via LG G2 on Sprint 4G LTE Spark


Premium Subscriber
Dec 6, 2005
Sounds good.

I'm looking forward to him answering my questions. Maybe he can enlighten everyone with his inside knowledge on this particular system.


Dec 27, 2004
looking at his profile...... is MORE than enough evidence for me ..... not going to spoil that "privilege" for you RRR. you will have to do the reading yourself.

the jobs he had/has and the background, i believe he knows his stuff. just that above post... he clearly has the knowledge and ability to do this. then tie in his background..... yeah... he is qualified.

stop badgering him. he is standing up against the people trying to put more people in harms way by them spreading misguided and misrepresented information.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 6, 2005
I am simply asking if he has the profile and/or the coverage maps that the rest of us could examine, so we could form an opinion as well.

He basically told the resident that posted here that the profile and/or coverage for the system required that particular location, and that's fine. I just want to see where he got his information from on this particular radio system to base that claim on, that's all.

The guy posted saying he didn't think that was a suitable location for the tower, ok, that's his Opinion. MT stated that was the only suitable site. I am just wondering how he can tell this fella that as fact without having inside knowledge of the system in question.

Put your hat back on, sheesh.


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
And just how do you know this? Are you privy to the coverage maps and design information for this system? If so, could you post a link to them so we can see it too?

I have seen the coverage maps from someone who is involved directly with this and another concurrent project. Sorry they are not public (at least not yet), you will just have to take my word for it.

As far as design specifications, they WERE on the Sandy Springs site about a year ago, but now they are GONE. Not sure why, I am sure you can file an open records request to obtain them, as this was a municipal RFP project.

The only thing that is public is a change order in March of 2013:;;.aspx;.html

It does have the original contract number and contract date of 12-24-2012, so filing that request should not be too difficult. In the original contract, the exact specifications were enumerated including coverage specifications.


Dec 27, 2004
there you go :) RRR

cant be revealed, which is perfectly reasonable. and that is why the citizens cannot get info on it, leading to the same "Misdirection" and "misinformation"

i still want to see this "Manufacturer Claimed Defect" evidence in the tower.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 6, 2005
There I go nothing, it was nicely sidestepped.

I think the citizen(s) were kept in the dark about this as well.

Kinda like I am now....

I'll bet there are several alternate locations that would work just dandy. We'll never know...


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
There I go nothing, it was nicely sidestepped.

I think the citizen(s) were kept in the dark about this as well.

Kinda like I am now....

I'll bet there are several alternate locations that would work just dandy. We'll never know...

So...why not file an open records request with the city and obtain what you are seeking? Go straight to the source. Please do report back with your responses.


Dec 27, 2004
considering what MTS just told us in explicit details.... detracted from what he is ALLOWED to tell us.... i highly doubt there are "optimal" alternate locations.

The "other sites" do not provide for adequate simulcast coverage without dramatically re-engineering the system and thus, increasing cost exponentially. You see, LMR sites for simulcast coverage for P25 is not like going to Best Buy and putting up WiFi access points. With CQPSK digital, sites have to overlap in precisely calculated locations and there are limitations on the distance, spacing between sites, power levels, etc and delay spread for the coverage and DAQ desired. Of course your little flyer doesn't explain all this because the author knows absolutely ZERO about digital LMR system design.

want to pay even more money to re-design a entire system? new locations, new towers.... or how about just letting the existing system be modified with a lot less overhead and wasted funds.

don't know about you, but i think i would rather have Emergency Services available and feel secure amongst themselves rather than watching my soo called "Modest and Elaborate" house get raided and/or torched to the ground whether by natural fire, accidental fire or intentional setting.

or protected from some punk(s) who want my stuff, because they can't figure out how to get a life and work for their own stuff and not have to steal from others.
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
I say no to this proposed 400ft tower. Put up a 600ft tower instead and make sure there is room for some commercial, GMRS and amateur repeater antennas. I think big towers are sexy...


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Nov 21, 2003
Mts will vote in for a big tower...

Sent via LG G2 on Sprint 4G LTE Spark


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Nov 21, 2003
That would really exceed FAA

Sent via LG G2 on Sprint 4G LTE Spark
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