The concerned residents in Roswell understand the need for the towers and support the purpose and their construction We oppose the placement of the Lackey Road tower, especially given the other sites available with greatly reduced impact on residential properties and their value, views and enjoyment. Another location was rejected when that location required public discourse and Council approval.
The "other sites" do not provide for adequate simulcast coverage without dramatically re-engineering the system and thus, increasing cost exponentially. You see, LMR sites for simulcast coverage for P25 is not like going to Best Buy and putting up WiFi access points. With CQPSK digital, sites have to overlap in precisely calculated locations and there are limitations on the distance, spacing between sites, power levels, etc and delay spread for the coverage and DAQ desired. Of course your little flyer doesn't explain all this because the author knows absolutely ZERO about digital LMR system design.
. The Lackey Road location purportedly uses a technicality which could allow this type of tower to be placed anywhere the Authority could obtain a lease.
It's not a technicality, it's state law. Government authorities do not need a special land use permit, they are exempt. Don't like it? Go call your state representative and get the law changed. Otherwise the school board would have to get an SLUP everytime they want to add seats to a high school gym or re-vamp a football field.
All your "anit-big gubment" conservatives would have a coronary at the though of that!
Further, the current plans make no attempt at alternative designs to blend the structure in to the area.
Again, there are technical parameters well above your comprehension level that are factors in preventing the designs for antenna structures you have in mind.
This isn't cellular or WiFi. It's part 90 LMR public safety radio.
Modest and expensive homes are effected, so your smug "elitist" ad hominem jab is misplaced.
Those same homes certainly are more
affected when your police, fire and EMS workers are unsafe and will not enter your "modest and expensive" homes because they have unreliable radio communications because you don't want them to build out the system they need to perform their tasks in a safe manner.
Want to take a walking tour with me in your little town and I can demonstrate first hand how poor the current Smartnet analog system performs inside those "modest and expensive" homes in the area so you can gain a perspective you clearly do not have just how dire the situation is?
The City Administrator is also one of four members of the Authority, and was involved in sliding this through.
So what? Are you inferring that the city administrator acted improperly or illegally by using the authority given under state law? Better let Paul Howard know!
Since you are so concerned, where were you in 2000 when your county commissioners voted down funding for badly needed improvements to the King Rd site for the current county 800MHz system? You see, this is a problem that has LONG been ignored.
If it has to be there, that is a different story.
It certainly does need to be there. Again, when you actually understand RF propagation, Project 25 CQPSK simulcast system design, LMR coverage implementations, then you will gain some badly needed perspectives and see things in a much different light. When you understand that your public safety workers are struggling with an aged, poorly performing system installed close to 25 years ago that is becoming more and more unreliable as days go by, you will understand that this IS necessary and you will put your effort into supporting them and this project.
The people we elect in the City failed to advocate for the taxpayers and citizens.
you should be thanking them. You live in a city that takes public safety seriously enough to fund life safety projects, provide top pay for their employees, and wants them to have what they need to protect you.
You could live where I do, where we have lost 120 officers to other agencies because they are underpaid, overworked, and struggling to keep up with an ever growing crime problem.
Advocate for taxpayers and citizens? Ha ha, tell me that again after I finish emptying my jar of Vaseline paying $397 million dollars of MY tax money to some out of state private, for profit corporation to build some race to waste stadium that
We were thrown out of a public meeting and our voices were silenced. When that happens to you, then come register on a forum and tell us about not being represented by your elected officials.