And to MTS200DES; what does your counties waste have to do with this? .
Everything, putting in perspective how "RoswellVoter" went through great lengths to block the city of Johns Creek and now Roswell from expanding public safety communications because they simply do not like antenna structures, crying "lack of government transparency" and "corruption" yet one county away we have the most prolific example of blatant waste, fraud and abuse in decades.
People HAVE spoken out (including myself) and been SILENCED to the point of being escorted OUT of open, public meetings (and no we were not disruptive). Just putting it all in perspective.
Building a working public safety radio network that is without question needed SHOULD be a priority. Wasting $397 million dollars of taxpayers money to destroy the quality of life, increase crime and add to the already WORST traffic in the nation (which WILL actually have a domino effect to those in North's called it someone).
Get the picture? Or do you need a slide rule to figure it out?
" You reprimanded me pretty good a few pages back for making a comparison, or drawing attention to a similarity in something else.
Your comparison about encryption had no merit or relevance anymore than "NoFear2005's" constant stalkerish chiming in behind every single post. For the record, I have him on ignore for a reason.
-Which what I perceive is; to not allow citizen input on what happens (several hundred feet from their houses), because the local government can't "waste time" with citizens input anymore. Am I wrong?
Here's the real problem, the "citizen input" comes too late in the process. If the "citizens" are/were so concerned, why did they wait until this late in the game to cry foul?
The URS has been in the planning stages for YEARS. Since 2009. Fact is most "citizens" do not bother to attend city council meetings, county commission meetings, etc. until they have something to complain about. They don't read the public notice section of the paper. They don't read the minutes that are posted on websites.
These are the same people who sit and stare at corporate media filling their heads full of crap blaming prezBo for everything, yet they cannot even tell you WHO their city councilman/woman is. I find it amusing that when their government is actually doing something that serves the public interest, they are quick to gripe and put out hilariously inaccurate flyers in mailboxes citing "aircraft landing" yet they were nowhere to be found 3 years ago when the very document they just filed a public records request for was created. It wasn't done in secret. It was not hidden. They just were not interested.
So this is not a case of a government going encrypted (which, sad for scanner folks, but the NFRRS will make heavy use of encryption) to hide their traffic like Little Rock, ARK. This is a case of typical sheeple not paying attention to what their government is doing until the last minute when a project is in it's final stages then they want to blow a gasket.
It's not like a $400 million dollar stadium project that came out of nowhere. don't think that is relevant. My bad.