I’m hearing the buzz saw and beeping on those old frequencies. Looked around YouTube and found the exact sound played on a VHF, -said it was the sound of DMR. I know that the EMS Pager will continue to be VHF. The Gloucester county and Camden county have the same thing, very busy on VHF. The Rowan EMS is not active-on duty when classes are not in session,but the security units are still on duty. Rowan PD has been encrypted for four years now.
So I’m not sure if I can just get an Motorola XPR to listen. Why would they sell me a transceiver? I was told that the Uniden SDS 100 and 200 support DMR but you have to buy the software. Thanks everyone for all of your input, this is very helpful.
So I’m not sure if I can just get an Motorola XPR to listen. Why would they sell me a transceiver? I was told that the Uniden SDS 100 and 200 support DMR but you have to buy the software. Thanks everyone for all of your input, this is very helpful.