So I've had rtl_tcp running on my Raspberry Pi 3 for sometime now. Works great. I can start the server and connect to it over my network from a Win 10 desktop running SDR# with no problems.
Enter yesterday.......I decided to install op25 on the same Pi, and play around with it. I was able to get op25 loaded with minimal issues, and had it running just fine. Then I got out of op25 and tried to go back to start rtl_tcp again, and I get 'undefined symbol: rtlsdr_set_bias_tree'. The first time I had the issue, I had a different message that I couldn't find in Google, so I decided to uninstall op25 and rtl-sdr, and start over. I did that, and tried rtl-sdr first, and it worked just fine. Then I installed op25, and it worked just fine. Tried to go back to rtl-sdr and that's when I get the bias_tree message.
From what I can decipher from Google this may have to do with a usb library that's installed. So my question is, is there a way to get them both to play nice with each other? I'm not trying to run them at the same time. I just need to them to run individually.
Enter yesterday.......I decided to install op25 on the same Pi, and play around with it. I was able to get op25 loaded with minimal issues, and had it running just fine. Then I got out of op25 and tried to go back to start rtl_tcp again, and I get 'undefined symbol: rtlsdr_set_bias_tree'. The first time I had the issue, I had a different message that I couldn't find in Google, so I decided to uninstall op25 and rtl-sdr, and start over. I did that, and tried rtl-sdr first, and it worked just fine. Then I installed op25, and it worked just fine. Tried to go back to rtl-sdr and that's when I get the bias_tree message.
From what I can decipher from Google this may have to do with a usb library that's installed. So my question is, is there a way to get them both to play nice with each other? I'm not trying to run them at the same time. I just need to them to run individually.