No need to store a defective, swelled battery pack in your RC charging bag. The battery pack has already gone through its excessive heating and swelling process and isn’t (at least should not be) a fire hazard anymore. (Understood your storage in a “safe” bag could just be out of convenience... a logical place to keep it until it can be disposed of properly. My local Home Depot has a battery disposal container but I’m not sure if it’s for Li-ion’s... it may be they have to keep Li-ions separate in another container due to the possibility of fire.)
I can’t help wondering what that battery pack would have done to the radio case if it swelled while still in the radio! I guess that’s what Upman was driving at when he stated it’s never a good idea to recharge the pack using the scanner’s internal charging circuit, (while the pack was still in the scanner), when an external charger was available. The offering of Uniden’s external charger came into existence at the same time Upman stated his take on using external chargers for Li-ion packs. Maybe just a marketing ploy to purchase their external charger? Possibly. But it was always a good idea to use an external charger, even before Upman’s pitch for their external charger. The fact the charger wasn’t even offered until after the release of the scanner (in addition to other issues such as the free upgrade to a larger pack after the radio was released) leads me to believe this particular scanner was rushed to market. That being said, other than Uniden’s promise to see future firmware updates, (there was one upgrade that pertained to the various “test bench” filters Uniden made available to all users in an effort to help with simulcast issues), the scanner did all that was advertised. I’m still waiting for other firmware updates/upgrades because that’s the way I understood the advertising of the original product. I have no idea of what further enhancements Uniden might be referring to (if my expectations are correct) but will wait patiently and give Uniden a chance to resume normal after the pandemic. I’m still a Uniden weeny and will probably bite on their next “flagship” offering, if one ever comes to pass!
Opposing viewpoints, corrections and clarifications are welcome. And, I’d like to see what the group might suggest in improvements to the SDS series...