This comes up once a year because Bucks Co. PA uses some of the same freq's as salem CO. Bucks is digital and sometimes propogates well into the salem receive area. It doesn't bother salem co's system from what I can tell. Salem is also a pretty quiet system which is ALL ANALOG.
I have trouble sometimes when monitoring Salem Co and the Bensalem Bucks Co systems datachannel falls on a Salem frequency. My radio tries to trunk the salem system using that data stream which just doesn't work needless to say.
The counties acknowledge that they can interfere with each other and have taken technical steps to make sure the systems and their radios cannot get confused by each other. One way is the obvious, non re-use of TG's between the systems. Bucks goes from about TG16 to 1580 or so. Salem starts at 1600. Not an accident.
Anyhow, Salem is not digital capable period.