Can confirm, based on a field trip to the site. Lots of signal in the parking lot heard without an antenna. Saw five chubby 800 MHz fiberglass in a row that were not in the 2018 StreetView imagery, to handle the busy 27-channel (!) site 23. Nothing else (at least no continuous CC signals) heard with that setup on highband, UHF, or 700/800. I can also confirm the channel lineup with the exception of BSI and silent reserve channels previously addressed. I guess there is the potential, based on the license, that 855.1875 is another "silent reserve", especially since it was on the STA and now is being added to the main license.So we’re thinking Ontario PD is part of the West Central Valley Simulcast ...
Site 23 is no longer announcing site 13 as a neighbor, on at least 2022-03-23, 2022-04-06, and 2022-04-19, so it should probably removed from the neighbor list.
I couldn't hear anything else reliably with my SDR with an antenna there due to the high signal levels, and didn't have time to relocate for more. I may have an excuse to be up in the forest soon for more sleuthing. There's no substitute for driving right up to a site.