I recently bought the Grundig version off an ad in Craigslist slightly used and have a few things great, good, poor-you be the judge. I compared it on AM to the CCRane Radio 2e and it won hands down in Bob's backyard! The next few days I'm thinking wow what a radio. The third morning I tried to turn it on and all the lights and displays went on, but no sound. I tried the reset button and no. So I unplugged the adapter, put batteries in, and wallah. Took the batts out and reconnected the power and resumed my listening. Is this supposed to happen, or is it a glitch? I made a home brew longwire antenna an on the radio side I exposed the center wire right and tried the external antenna clamp port. When I flipped the switch from internal to external antenna the display blipped rapidly back and forth between the two. So I went to the school supply section at Big Lots and picked up a pack of binder clips. It had 3 sizes of clips, great for different sizes of telescoping antennas. I removed the thumb handles and wrapped one side with the center conductor wire. Re-assembled the clip and clipped it on the barely opened antenna. Man! Made a big difference! No loss of db's. This is a good idea for those radios without external ports.