Sawyer County

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Jan 8, 2013
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11D167 Safari/9537.53)

I have a HP-1 and live in Duluth, MN. I programmed Sawyer County in my favorites list with the Lampson and Hayward CC, and all the Sawyer County TG. When I hit the channel selection to listen, a screen pops up that reads: All channels that are in range have been avoided. Change the service type selections, your location or the range setting, or review and remove some avoids. Well, nothing is avoided, all the service types I have selected and the range dosent affect anything. I'm I simply too far away? I'm I missing a step? Thanks, Mike 10-7Goodnight


Jul 18, 2009
Depending on where you are in Duluth, Lampson may not come in for you. I know by St. Mary's people can hit the Lampson tower but it's a stretch sometimes.

If you hold on WISCOM - Lampson do you see the CC being broadcasted? Or can you not do that with the HP-1?

You should hear something...Sawyer County, Douglas County, and Washburn Scan TGs are all on that tower and I can't go five minutes without hearing traffic.


Jan 18, 2003
Land of mixed mode digital comms
You must understand how the HP1, 436HP, and 536HP work with the GPS/Zipcode and range feature. I first have run into this same issue and it was dealing with the discovery feature on the 436HP.

First I have to ask did you create your own favorite list or did you just pull the data from the RR database? It sounds like you just moved things in the sentinel software. When you do it this way it pulls from the database which is location based. My suggestion would be to re-enter your zipcode and increase your range to like 20 or 30 miles then this problem should take care of itself.

Let me give you an example: I want to do a discovery of the Hayward tower on WISCOM but currently I have the Eau Claire zipcode set at 10 miles entered into the scanner. From this point it will load WISCOM towers but it is only going to load WISCOM towers that would broadcast into a geographical area that extends 10 miles from Eau Claire. SO even though I can select the list to scan it will not scan it because the Hayward tower would not broadcast down to an area within a physical 10 mile range from the EC zipcode.

So why does the scanner preform in this manner? All because of the GPS feature and zipcode entry! So imaging that you are traveling from EC to Hayward to Duluth. Do you want to have to remember to lock out EC and lock in Hayward then the same with Duluth? No while driving just change zipcodes or if you have the GPS it will automatically change and load/unload the scan lists you have in scan.

Hope this helps and does not confuse you in anyway? It seems to me that we have to remember that the scanners were designed and set-up to be programmed by engineers and not users/hobbyists!


Jul 18, 2009
You must understand how the HP1, 436HP, and 536HP work with the GPS/Zipcode and range feature. I first have run into this same issue and it was dealing with the discovery feature on the 436HP.

First I have to ask did you create your own favorite list or did you just pull the data from the RR database? It sounds like you just moved things in the sentinel software. When you do it this way it pulls from the database which is location based. My suggestion would be to re-enter your zipcode and increase your range to like 20 or 30 miles then this problem should take care of itself.

Let me give you an example: I want to do a discovery of the Hayward tower on WISCOM but currently I have the Eau Claire zipcode set at 10 miles entered into the scanner. From this point it will load WISCOM towers but it is only going to load WISCOM towers that would broadcast into a geographical area that extends 10 miles from Eau Claire. SO even though I can select the list to scan it will not scan it because the Hayward tower would not broadcast down to an area within a physical 10 mile range from the EC zipcode.

So why does the scanner preform in this manner? All because of the GPS feature and zipcode entry! So imaging that you are traveling from EC to Hayward to Duluth. Do you want to have to remember to lock out EC and lock in Hayward then the same with Duluth? No while driving just change zipcodes or if you have the GPS it will automatically change and load/unload the scan lists you have in scan.

Hope this helps and does not confuse you in anyway? It seems to me that we have to remember that the scanners were designed and set-up to be programmed by engineers and not users/hobbyists!

It sounds like OP changed the Range already.


Jan 8, 2013
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11D167 Safari/9537.53)

Well, I put in the Hayward zip code, typed in Hayward as my location, and increased the range to 30. The same box pops up when I try to scan. Hayward: 139.73750 and Lampson: 139.31250. And the Hayward TG as well. I'm obviously missing something here.


Jan 8, 2013
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11D167 Safari/9537.53)

It won't let me get that far. When I select it from my favorites list, that box pops up. I'm lost.....


Jul 18, 2009
Sounds like something may be b0rked with your Favs List. I have a HP but I don't use it at all. Can you try setting your zip code for Hayward and use the DB that's already loaded (not your favorites) and see if it makes a difference.

Honestly? If you are in Duluth you're probably not going to receive the towers in question (unless you've got a really good antenna but even then...)
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