There are a number of Phase II capable scanners available, both in database scanners as well as non-database.
Looking at your upcoming new
system in the database, it is a
simulcast system. See the linked article for a more complete explanation about simulcast issues, and what work-arounds may help to mitigate the problems. Unidens SDS series scanners (SDS100 handheld, SDS200 base/mobile) are generally the best choices if simulcast is an issue. Some people, instead, purchase one of the Unication pagers. These are not true scanners, in that they do not have all the features and capabilities of scanners, and can only monitor one site at a time. But they are reported to be almost 'simulcast proof' compared to most scanners.
You probably would get a better suggestion if you request that your thread to the Oklahoma forum. There, you'd more like hear from users in that area, as to what works, or does not work, for them. To do that, do
not create a new thread. Instead, click on the Report in the lower left corner of one of your posts, and request that a moderator move your thread to the state forum. Someone in the area would be more likely to see it there.