Back to the original poster's question, I'd recommend a SDS100, 200 or Unication receivers - if you don't want the "home brew" SDR (cheap!) option. Comparing a 536 and a 200 on the OKC so far, the SDS200 kicks the 536 out of the water...I think the 536 misses over 50% of the traffic (with no indication its missing anything) compared to the SDS200 and SDR (w/ DSDPlus fastlane). There is a considerable price jump for those unfortunately, but the simulcast hell OKC is about to be in is a real thing. I haven't compared as much on the Norman system to be able to tell you if the newer scanners (100/200) work considerably better there. If the OKWIN OKC site (8) ever goes P25, that will be more simulcast in the area to deal with too. I agree with earlier posts the SDS100/200 doesn't do any better at all on the analog simulcast of OKWIN OKC site.