Scanner shopping


Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2019
Scanner shopping, a subject we all love, yet have tendencies not to shop well at times. I'll list some things that I've noticed in the past month and a half or so that I've had both of the SDS scanners, plus other scanners and transceiver.

I've read many times here on RR that all the SDS scanners need for great VHF performance is the proper settings and the proper antenna. That's a load of compost. While those things may bring a specific individual acceptable VHF performance, they certainly don't make it the best, or even a good, VHF scanner by a long shot. If you are in a heavy 700/800 RF environment, VHF desense is a real problem. Intermod is also a problem, and it can come from a strange sources, but the IFX defeats it quickly. Both my 100 and 200 are plagued with Intermod on rail frequencies. Not from POCSAG, but from the NWS transmitters 36 and 48 miles away from me. I've never had that happen on any other radio.

After all the tweaking, adjusting, tea leaf reading, etc., neither of my SDS scanners are satisfactory VHF performers, and will never be. While they might be perfect for someone who just wants to monitor local comms, they leave much to be desired compared to my 35+ yo RS scanners, my 40 yo BC855XLT and new 125at and 375crs in terms of speed and sensitivity to distant signals.

I don't expect an SDS scanner to have the VHF reception that a good transceiver or even a Baofeng HT has, but I do expect it to perform at least as well as four-decade-old technology. They don't and can't do that on VHF, no matter what setting you tweak or what antenna you connect.

As far as best new uniden for rail frequencies, I'll have to defer to the recommendations for the Uniden 160 & 260. The 125at and the 365crs have been very good performers in the rail band for me, almost as good as my old PRO-2025 mobile.

For trunking, digital modes, 700/800 and UHF performance, you'll have difficulty finding anything better than an SDS. It's a fantastic addition to any monitor station. If you're a VHF (rail, Marine, CivAir fan, know in advance that you're not getting the best VHF performance available and plan accordingly for disappointment or other receivers.